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Count Command


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I have been trying to work out how to search for all the words that occur a certain number of times within a passage.


It seems that whenever I use the count command it finds those words that occur within that passage and that many times in the whole text. That is a useful search. But what I would like to do is find all the repeated words within a passage - a very useful thing for bible study. But I don't want to have to search for each word individually.


So can I do it?


Can I search for all the words, in Joel say, that occur three or more times in Joel? Irrespective of how many times they occur in the rest of the bible.



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This is the only time that it matters how you define the range. If you use the [RANGE]

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I have been trying to work out how to search for all the words that occur a certain number of times within a passage.


It seems that whenever I use the count command it finds those words that occur within that passage and that many times in the whole text. That is a useful search. But what I would like to do is find all the repeated words within a passage - a very useful thing for bible study. But I don't want to have to search for each word individually.


So can I do it?


Can I search for all the words, in Joel say, that occur three or more times in Joel? Irrespective of how many times they occur in the rest of the bible.



What you are asking for is possible in Accordance, if you have the tagged texts for the original languages. David Lang explains this feature in one of the blog discussions at: http://www.accordancebible.com/blog/archiv...01_archive.html

See his discussion from Wednesday, May 10, 2006. I love this feature.


Best regards,

Ron Webber

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I cannot find David's blog on the COUNT command.


However, you do not need tagged texts to use this command, you can search untagged texts as well, and even modify it to find key numbers (original words) by using a command like [COUNT 1 =k].

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