Search Results for: rec
Reformed Expository Commentary: Zechariah (Phillips)
- Pub ID: REC-Zechariah
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2007
- Author:
The book of Zechariah records the prophetic message of Zechariah to the community that had returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile and was charged with rebuilding the temple and…
Reformed Expository Commentary: 1&2 Thessalonians (Phillips)
- Pub ID: REC-Thessalonians
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2013
- Author:
…the Second Coming. Just as importantly, by touring Paul’s singular teaching in 1 and 2 Thessalonians, readers will recover a joyful anticipation of Christ’s return and receive hope for life…
Recovering Eden (GAOT Series): The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes
- Pub ID: GAOT-Recovering Eden
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2014
- Author:
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes reminds us that life under the sun does not happen according to neat and tidy rules. He asks us to see the world around us in…
Reformed Expository Commentary: Ezra & Nehemiah (Thomas)
- Pub ID: REC-Ezra-Neh
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2016
- Author:
…and Nehemiah both prioritized the Word of God and the practice of prayer. If the church of our day is to recover and be renewed, Thomas argues, these commitments are…
Reformed Expository Commentary: Matthew (2 Vols) (Doriani)
- Pub ID: REC-Matthew
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2008
- Author:
…are fulfilled in the new and how the law of Moses exercises its authority today. Daniel Doriani, a pastor and scholar recognized for his works on biblical interpretation, pays careful…
Reformed Expository Commentary: Galatians (Ryken)
- Pub ID: REC-Galatians
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2005
- Author:
The book of Galatians was written for recovering Pharisees. By trying to base their standing with God on their spiritual performance, the Galatians were in danger of denying the gospel….
Reformed Expository Commentary: James (Doriani)
- Pub ID: REC-James
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2007
- Author:
…scholar recognized for his works on biblical interpretation and application, resolves the tension between the wide-ranging practical commands of James and the centrality of faith in the Christian life. While…
Reformed Expository Commentary (27 vols.)
- Pub ID: REC_27
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- Authors:
…in the Gospels by Daniel M. Doriani (2008) (parallel module: REC-Gospels) This products consists of a two modules: One that contains the first 26 volumes listed above (REC-26) plus an…
Reformed Expository Commentary: The Incarnation in the Gospels (Phillips, Ryken, Doriani)
- Pub ID: REC-Gospels
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2008
- Authors:
…redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting. You may also be interested in the 27-volume Reformed Expository Commentary set or any of the other REC individual volumes….
Reformed Expository Commentary: 1 Samuel (Phillips)
- Pub ID: REC-1 Samuel
- / Publisher: P&R Publishing
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2012
- Author:
…redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting. You may also be interested in the 27-volume Reformed Expository Commentary set or any of the other REC individual volumes….