CDCHcoverWe’ve had so many new module releases and program updates lately that I’m struggling to keep up with them all. Last week we released David Clines’ Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Most Hebrew lexicons confine themselves to the vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible. The eight-volume Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is the first Hebrew lexicon to include all the words found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew inscriptions, Ben Sira, and other ancient Hebrew texts. The unabridged Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is still in the process of being published, but we’re pleased to be able to offer the one-volume abridgment of this ground-breaking work as an Accordance module.

The Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew contains all the words in the larger lexicon, including more than 3000 words not found in most standard Hebrew lexicons. If you’re working with the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ben Sira, or the Hebrew Inscriptions, the Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew will be an indispensible resource.