LABC Hebrews A Commentary for Everyone

New for the Accordance Library, the 17-volume Life Application Bible Commentary (LABC) is one of the best all-around series for pastors, teachers, and laypersons who are simply interested in understanding or communicating the message of the Bible better. Previous knowledge of the Bible is not required for using the LABC, so it is perfect for the person who simply wants to gain practical understanding of the Scriptures. And pastors and teachers will discover illustrations, quotations, and insightful means for communicating the truths of God’s Word in practical terms to a modern audience.

No knowledge of Hebrew or Greek is required for using the LABC for study, but important original language words are sometimes transliterated in English. The commentary primarily uses modern translations such as the NIV, NRSV, and NLT, but interacts with other translations as well, often explaining why some translations differ from others.

A Commentary for the Layperson

Have you ever read a passage from the Bible only to come away thinking, “I just don’t know what any of that has to do with me!” If you have ever expressed that thought, the Life Application Bible Commentary Series is for you. The LABC bridges the gap of the ancient world to the modern context. Imagine one biblical reference source that provides explanation, background, and application for every verse in the New Testament.

A Commentary for Pastors & Teachers

Teaching a class or preaching a sermon? The Life Application Bible Commentary provides teaching notes and sermon ideas that apply biblical principles to the issues of today. Incorporate charts, diagrams, maps, and quotations from famous figures of history into your presentation slides or handouts. Everything in this series is designed to help you understand the Bible and equip you to communicate it to others.

An Example Passage

Take for example the LABC’s treatment of the uncomfortable subject of God’s discipline in Hebrews 12:1-13. The first section connects this chapter to the previous content of Hebrews by offering a thorough summary of what has come before. Hebrews 12:1 is presented from the NKJV with an explanation of the cultural context that the original hearers would have better understood than a modern audience.

Picking up on the idea of “the race that is set before us,” the writer provides “Three aspects to this ‘race’ […] set before all believers” to make a connection to the modern reader. These aspects are presented in three memorable alliterated points of Preparation, Participation, and Perseverance. Each of these three points includes an explanation that interweaves ancient practice with modern experience.

A callout passage that immediately follows the above is titled “Shedding Weight.” This section contains practical action steps for the modern believer:

To run the race set before us, we must train. Long-distance runners work hard to build endurance and strength. On race day, their clothes are lightweight and their bodies lean.

Since shedding “sin weight” is important to your spiritual run, how can you do it:

  • Choose friends who are also committed to the race. Wrong friends will have values and activities that may deter you from the course. Much of your own weight may result from the crowd you run with. Make wise choices.
  • Drop certain activities. That is, for you at this time these may be a weight. Try dropping them for a while; then check the results. If TV consumes precious time, try doing without it. If shopping is your stress relaxer, try something else.
  • Get help for addictions that disable you. If you have a secret “weight” such as pornography, gambling, or alcohol, admit your need and get help today.

Finally, there’s a quotation from Matthew Henry. And all of this is just for one verse of Hebrews 12!

The Accordance Difference

Accordance users will be glad to know that our developers have carefully analyzed the entire content of the Life Application Bible Commentary and have identified the following categories: Reference, Titles, English Content, Scripture, Transliteration, Translation, Bibliography, Quotations, Quoted Authors, Captions, and Table Titles. Such careful tagging of the text allows you to find the exact content you’re looking for quickly and efficiently.

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