Niehaus biblical Theology The Early Renaissance Italian scholar and poet Francesco Petrarch said, “Theology is poetry about God.” No doubt, that’s a very appropriate sentiment for someone like Jeffrey Niehaus, who has the rare (these days) combination of backgrounds in poetry and theology. Niehaus, Professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, has released the first of what will be a two-volume biblical theology. Available beginning today for the Accordance Bible Software Library, the first volume is titled Biblical Theology, Volume 1: The Common Grace Covenants.

Common grace is a theological idea regarding beneficent acts of God towards all of humanity—not just toward those who offer their worship and obedience. An example of common grace is found in passages like Matthew 5:45, where it says of God that “…he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (CSB).

Thus, in this first volume on “The Common Grace Covenants,” Niehaus focuses on the early chapters of Genesis, or the covenants made before the one with Abraham, the covenants made before there was a “people of God.” These common grace covenants include the Creation or Adamic covenant and the Noahic covenant, which Niehaus says are still in effect for all humanity until the end of this age.

Niehaus Biblical Theology I

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Niehaus’ Biblical Theology, Volume I.

Although the theology of this volume is rooted in the Reformed tradition, Niehaus does at times break with or at least offer alternative suggestions to traditionally held interpretations of some passages. However, whether one agrees or disagrees with Niehaus on some of his points, his dedication to citing both Scripture and other theological works will be quite evident. There are also more than a dozen excurses where Niehaus explores some of the questions less central but still important to his subject matter.

In a day of 1,000-page (and often rambling) theological surveys, Niehaus’ Biblical Theology will be a more concise and focused welcome change of pace for many readers. At nearly 400 pages in print, this volume is less survey and more of a focused biblical theology of the common grace covenants. In his forthcoming second volume, Niehaus will explore The Special Grace Covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New covenants).

Biblical Theology (Volume 1) (Niehaus)

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