Those of you who serve as pastors have a tough job. Every week, you’re expected to deliver profound biblical insights in a way that is relevant, practical, engaging, and not-too-wordy. As if that isn’t a big enough task, most pastors are also expected to be capable administrators, sensitive counselors, devoted to their families, up on current events and the latest theological controversies, as well as readily available to anyone who needs them. And while there’s not much we can do to reduce the unrealistic expectations your congregations place on you, we do our best to provide you with a go-to resource designed to simplify your study and sermon preparation.
In an effort to help you pastors get the most out of Accordance, we’re going to be starting a series of guest posts to the Accordance blog written by Accordance-using pastors. The title of this series is The Pastor’s Study, and it will enable you to study the workflow of other pastors so you can incorporate their ideas into your own pastoral study.
I’ve been reading the various submissions we’ve received so far and I can tell you the hardest thing for me will be only posting one each week. We’ll post a new installment each Wednesday in the hopes that it will give you a mid-week shot in the arm, and we may follow up some of those posts by showing you how to implement the ideas they contain.
Look for the first installment of The Pastor’s Study tomorrow.