During the back-to-back Evangelical Theological Society and Society of Biblical Literature annual meetings in San Antonio, we had the opportunity to do video interviews. All 59 scholars have been big fans of Accordance Bible Software for years, use it regularly, and love it! Look for the edited video interviews after New Year’s. For now, here are quick snapshots of #38 to #59 thanks to videographer Melissa Brown.

Dr. Joe Weaks








Dr. Joe Weaks, The Macintosh Biblioblog, http://macbiblioblog.blogspot.com/


Dr. Yvan Mathieu








Dr. Yvan Mathieu,  de l’Université Saint–Paul, https://ustpaul.ca/index.php?mod=employee&id=146


Dr. James Kelhoffer








Dr. James Kelhoffer, Uppsala University, http://katalog.uu.se/profile/?id=N10-1989


Dr. Stephane Beaulieu








Dr. Stephane Beaulieu, Pacific Union College, https://www.puc.edu/academics/departments/theology/faculty/religion/sbeaulieu


Dr. Ryan Roberts








Dr. Ryan Roberts, Cornerstone University, http://cornerstone.academia.edu/RyanRoberts


Dr. Wil Gafney








Dr. Wil Gafney, Texas Christian University, Brite Divinity School, https://www.brite.edu/staff/wil-gafney


Dr. Karl Kutz








Dr. Karl Kutz, Multnomah University, https://www.multnomah.edu/bio/karl-kutz


Dr. Clinton Wahlen








Dr. Clinton Wahlen, Biblical Research Institute, https://www.adventistbiblicalresearch.org/content/about-us


Dr. Marc Zvi Brettler








Dr. Marc Zvi Brettler, Duke University, http://religiousstudies.duke.edu/people?Gurl=%2Faas%2FReligion&Uid=18675&subpage=profile


Dr. Petronio M. Genebago








Petronio M. Genebago, Adventist University of the Philippines, https://ph.linkedin.com/in/petronio-genebago-902617a4


Dr. Oliver Glanz








Dr. Oliver Glanz, Andrews University, https://www.andrews.edu/sem/faculty_staff/faculty/oliver-glanz.html


Dr. Mary Katherine Hom








Dr. Mary Katherine Hom, http://www.bloomsbury.com/author/mary-katherine-yh-hom


Dr. Kay Joe Petzold








Dr. Kay Joe Petzold, German Bible Society, Universität Heidelberg, https://de.linkedin.com/in/kayjoepetzold/en


Dr. Craig S. Keener








Dr. Craig S. Keener, Asbury Seminary, http://asburyseminary.edu/person/dr-craig-s-keener


Rev. Gregory A. Ward








Rev. Gregory A. Ward, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Austin, Texas, http://redeemerpres.org/rev-greg-ward


Dr. Richard S. Hess








Dr. Richard S. Hess, Denver Seminary, http://www.denverseminary.edu/about/faculty/member/13474/


Dr. Albert G. Miller








Dr. Albert G. Miller, Oberlin College, https://new.oberlin.edu/arts-and-sciences/departments/religion/faculty_detail.dot?id=21017


Dr. Robert Holmstett








Dr. Robert Holmstett, University of Toronto, http://individual.utoronto.ca/holmstedt/R.D.Holmstedt.html


Dr. R. Mark Shipp








Dr. R. Mark Shipp, Austin Graduate School of Theology, http://austingrad.edu/about-us/faculty/about-r-mark-shipp/


Dr. Martin Abegg








Dr. Martin Abegg, Trinity Western University, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Abegg


Dr. Steed Davidson








Dr. Steed Davidson, McCormick Theological Seminary, http://mccormick.edu/content/faculty-steed-davidson


Dr. Tom Shepherd








Dr. Tom Shepherd, Andrews University, https://www.andrews.edu/sem/faculty_staff/faculty/thomas-shepherd.html