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  1. Past hour
  2. Luke Bert

    Discourse analysis/arcing

    Discours analysis is, of course, a very broad term. I am using this term specifically in reference to the method developed by Scholars such as G.K. Beale (et al) in "An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek." I know this method is taught at several seminaries such as Reformed Theological Seminary by Ben Gladd. This version of discourse analysis is similar to what John Piper calls "arcing" There is a java program called DA tool that I have used https://sourceforge.net/projects/datool/ I am also including a DA of Gal 2.6-10 that I did. Yes, I was teaching in french when I did this, but the principle should be evident. I was using https://app.biblearc.com/ I believe the best course of action would be for accordance to reach out to Dr. G.K. Beale, Dr. Ben Gladd, or Dr. Tyler Miliken. Gal 2.6-10.pdf
  3. A. Smith

    Discourse analysis/arcing

    Discourse analysis is way more than charting a text. But a lot of this charting can be done in the diagraming feature, you just have to adapt some of the symbols.
  4. A. Smith

    14.0.9 dark mode glitch

    Only classics so far as I can tell. M3 chip
  5. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Discourse analysis/arcing

    Thanks for this! Do you know of any sources for the discourse analysis/arcing that we could look into?
  6. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Pastor going iPad only?

    iPadOS in general still feels limited to me. Looking forward to WWDC and see what happens. Would also love to see some desktop-class tools on Accordance for iPad (and iPhone). Having Research would be a great start.
  7. Dr. Nathan Parker

    14.0.9 dark mode glitch

    Is it just this module or other modules? Is this on your Apple Silicon Mac on Sonoma?
  8. Today
  9. Luke Bert

    Discourse analysis/arcing

    In searching the forums, I found several threads asking for a discourse analysis/arcing feature for Accordance. I think accordance is well positioned to fill an important gap in Bible software. The need: 1. I know of one downloadable program that allows is designed to facilitate DA. However, the program is almost 15 years old and can be difficult to install and get running especially for those with less computer knowledge. 2. Biblearc.com now requires a paid membership. While I am certain that they believe they are offering a valuable service, many cannot afford another subscription just a tool. Accords offers similar features but not DA itself. 1. The diagram features of accordance allows for the manipulation of the text and the ability to put in brackets. However, the process is time consuming. We need a program by which we can click on a sentence, hit enter to create a new clause, and lock in a bracket. This is what Biblearc does really well! 2. The new Phrasing feature of accordance is great! it allows us to easily create phrases. If we could take those phrases and add brackets then we could do DA in accordance. This should be a dedicated feature with a quick access button that allows us to highlight a text and create a file that can be manipulated for DA.
  10. David Garrison

    Pastor going iPad only?

    Agreed. My 2017 iPad Pro has been fantastic, other than missing a few features of the new OS's each year. But the battery now loses 50% over the course of a worship service (I preach from my iPad), and it is starting to take longer to load things that it used to do quite snappily. And, I'm picky about displays and maximizing longevity. Should I have gotten an iPad Air? Most likely. But since I could get the Pro...
  11. A. Smith

    Pastor going iPad only?

    The accordance iPad app is an utter waste of anything beyond a 10 year old iPad. None of the power is used. None of the screen space is used. None of the multitasking. Absolutely none.
  12. A. Smith

    Pastor going iPad only?

    The Achilles' heal of iPad is still iPadOS. And lack of serious developers (ahem, ACCORDANCE). I still use my 2018 iPad Pro. There is nothing I need to do but can't do on that iPad that I could do on a newer iPad, even if it has an M4. It's excessively expensive wasted potential if you're not in a few key creative fields. Maybe iPadOS 18 will be more like macOS and less like an oversized iPhone.
  13. A. Smith

    14.0.9 dark mode glitch

    An apparently random section of the text remains white after switching to light mode. This is the exact same word usage pane, toggled from dark to light. I haven't noticed this on other text or tool panes. Granted, I don't often switch to light, so I'm not sure how prevalent this is.
  14. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Syncing Custom Phrasing

    Yes, it's all stored in your Phrasing folder in Accordance files. Copying that to a new machine will copy the data over. Hopefully our enhanced syncing will do this automatically, if our programmers want to give me an early Christmas present. :-)
  15. RyanQuey

    Syncing Custom Phrasing

    Is there a way to save the custom phrasing work that I do on a given Bible, such that it can be synced to my other computers? Is there a file that the custom phrasing gets saved to that I can use or something? Thanks!
  16. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Pastor going iPad only?

    Good feedback. Keep me posted how things go with your M4 iPad.
  17. Yesterday
  18. David Garrison

    Pastor going iPad only?

    That's tricky for me to answer. My current iPad is the 10.5" iPad Pro, which came out in 2017. While it's great that I've gotten 7 years out of it, the battery life has become quite prohibitive. I also upgraded to an M1 Pro MBP when they came out, so that's been my primary machine for the past few years. But, I really like working on the iPad. I think the one-app-at-a-time helps me stay more focused. All that being said, I did get a Magic Keyboard (just the regular bluetooth keyboard) that made using the iPad as a productivity device much more, well, productive. Along those lines, once I got the new MBP, I've been able to make use of Sidecar and Continuity to control both devices at once, which has been great. I've already ordered an 11" M4 iPad Pro and the iPad Magic Keyboard, and look forward to transitioning toward that as my primary productivity machine, especially when traveling. But, as I said above, Apple really needs to untether iPadOS from iOS in so many different ways that would really help.
  19. Dr. Nathan Parker

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Sounds good. Thanks! I'll start with our module developers to see if it's a module issue, and if it turns out to involve programming, we can bring them in.
  20. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Saving Notes in IVP LifeGuides Inconsistent

    Thanks for the update. The answers should auto-save when you add them. So what's happening is sometimes the answers aren't saving for you?
  21. Dr. Nathan Parker

    A mystery purchase installation

    They could, then when we pulled out these for free giveaways, somehow the website didn't see they were in an older package you owned.
  22. Larry Wing

    A mystery purchase installation

    Could they also have been included in packages I may have bought over the years?
  23. Louis Lapides

    Saving Notes in IVP LifeGuides Inconsistent

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. User Notes work fine. My problem has to do with saving answers in the IVP{ Guides. I wish there was some way of manually saving the answers as with User Notes.
  24. Kristin

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Hi Nathan, This for sure confirms that it is a major tagging bug as I had suspected, and not specific to a particular OS or Accordance version. Please report this bug.
  25. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Microsoft Office vs Alternatives

    How well would the free version of SoftMaker Office run on my iPad mini if I wanted to use it for occasional quick productivity?
  26. Last week
  27. It is easy to search all your journals in Accordance. Plus it is a breeze to search all your journals for Hebrew or Greek words in Accordance 14. Dr. Nathan Parker shows you how to get the most out of it in this QuickTip video.
  28. Dr. Nathan Parker

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Here's what I got when I ran the search and my highlight file. Test Highlights.zip
  29. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Saving Notes in IVP LifeGuides Inconsistent

    Sounds good. By the way, are you referring to User Notes or saving answers in the IVP Guides themselves (Easy Answers)?
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