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  1. Past hour
  2. edwardsson

    macOS m2 duplicate texts

    Got the same problem with duplicated text/bibles. Got a MacBook Pro M1, the latest versions of both macOS and Accordance.
  3. Today
  4. Kristin

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    Hi Nathan, thanks for the idea, and you are correct. I just tried searching for "Accordance Bible Tyndale" and it came up. However, just from a pure marketing issue, obviously if people are at the Accordance store and looking for a product and it says "no results" most people will think it means "no results." I am sure I am not the only person who didn't buy something Accordance had since the store claimed it isn't there.
  5. Kristin

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Just a thought, but maybe a test could be just testing it at all? Then if it works, that might suggest it is platform specific, but if you have the issue on a different OS, then that would also be diagnostic.
  6. Dr. Nathan Parker

    searching notes

    Yep, and I've put that high up on the list to look into after we get syncing out the door.
  7. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    @Lorinda H. M. Hoover Thanks for the update there. Keep us posted.
  8. Dr. Nathan Parker

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Thanks! I don't have 13 or Ventura to test it on, so maybe someone else here can test and try confirming the bug report.
  9. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    I might make a QuickTip video on this sometime.
  10. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    @Kristin Correct about the Great Bible. I know you were searching the store for Tyndale and couldn't find it, so I wanted to give you the link. If I can't find something through our in-house search, I'll use a search engine and type accordance then the module name, and I can usually find it. I also do that with the Accordance Forums by typing accordance forms then my thread search term, plus I do that with most forums I'm a member of. I've found forum engines do not have the most user-friendly search engines. :-)
  11. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Arabic dictionary?

    Thanks for all this info! We'll look into it.
  12. edwardsson

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    Managed to get it to work on my Mac and iPhone after logging out of Easy Install and then login again.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Kristin

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    Hi @Steven S, No, I don't own it, and I actually didn't know that about the connection between the Great and Bishop's. Thank you for the info!
  15. A.D. Riddle

    Arabic dictionary?

    The two dictionaries (lexicons) we used in my Arabic classes were Hans Wehr and Lane's. (Edit: I was a student, not the instructor.) A.D.
  16. Michel Gilbert

    Arabic dictionary?

    Many (most?) academics use the Oxford Arabic Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2014); ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0199580330 And, Accordance already works with OUP.
  17. Steven S

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    Hi @Kristin. I know you are specifically asking for the 1539 Great Bible, but have you taken a look at the Bishop's Bible? According to the product description, it's a 1568 revision of the Great Bible. It's also part of the Classics I Group, so you may already own it.
  18. smf360

    searching notes

    It isn't a matter of research, it is a decision. Accordance takes a users plain text and encrypts it. It is then decrypted for display. Nothing to research. Let users export their own notes to a searchable format. This request has lingered for at least four years.
  19. Kristin

    highlighting way off in Arabic Qur'an

    Mac - Ventura 13.6 Accordance - 13.3.4 Sample search - A sample is in the screenshot I posted above.
  20. Kristin

    Is The Great Bible 1539 available somewhere?

    Hi Nathan, Thanks for the link, but I am looking for the Great Bible 1539. Also, just for future reference, is there a way to know what Accordance has? Neither @ukfraser or I could find Tyndale, so what did you actually type to find it? We both just knew it was there since we have it.
  21. Kristin

    Arabic dictionary?

    Hi Nathan, I'm not familiar enough with Arabic dictionaries to have an opinion. My fundamental goal though is an actual dictionary and not just a gloss.
  22. Lorinda H. M. Hoover

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    Tech support did get back to me. He did something before he returned my call to "push out" my purchases. With that and a refresh of the Easy Install, that corrected the issue on my Mac, both the Edersheim items not showing up and the post 2017 purchases not showing. It has yet to work on my phone or my iPad, but I'm willing to give it a little more time. I'm not in the office this afternoon to check and see if it is working again on the Windows machine, but I'll report back when I am.
  23. Lorinda H. M. Hoover

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    As I noted in my first post, I tried Safe Mode and it didn't make a difference. Logging out and back in didn't do it, either. I have a call in to Tech Support.
  24. Dr. Nathan Parker

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    Hmmm, you can try logging out of Easy Install and logging back in or trying Accordance Safe Mode. If that doesn't work, reach out to Tech Support.
  25. Dr. Nathan Parker

    searching notes

    This has to do with the User Notes file format itself. We've had discussions about changing this, and it's on our list to research further after we get syncing finished. Getting syncing finished will actually help us better determine what changes we'd make with User Files moving forward.
  26. Lorinda H. M. Hoover

    Items not showing up in Easy Install

    I've tried that multiple times, on both Windows and Mac, to no avail.
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