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Congratulations Accordance!!!!!!!!!


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Congratulations Accordance Staff!!



First of all for a free upgrade of all my resouces......I did not expect that.....SO Thanks!


What an major undertaking....I know it will takes months to find and fix the bugs but hey it is working...what an accomplisment!!!


I am very very pleased...I am listing below some "minor" issues



Some comments (I am sure you maybe aware of these issues)


none of my workspaces migrated

none of my user groups, custom files and organizationin library did not migrate..


Are there plans in the future to be able to share these between the mac and window?


3D feature in map does not appear as an option..



User tools and notes did not migrate


It will be a while before I am able to check things out and I will probably find some other issues BUT the big picture is Accordance is functioning on a windows based machine....I started on the emulator several years and it did not cut it so I went to a MAC which I like...I never dreamed of having a fully functional Accordance running native on Windows....I cannot even imagine how difficult that would be so....this looks a lot like a MAC...


Agains Thanks!!!


Edited by fmcfee
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Hi, Frank, and thanks for using Accordance on Windows!


Accordance is not an always online, cloud based program, so workspaces, user notes and tools, and other 'personal' content does not sync between installations. (for now, anyway).



You were able to download all of your texts and tools, but you'll have to manually transfer your user notes, tools, workspaces, and anything else that you'd like on your PC. If, on your Mac, you elected to update all of your User Notes and Tools to be cross-platform, you should be able to just copy and add them (and your workspaces) to your PC without any trouble.


We had a couple of features that weren't able to be ready for release. Of note, those are:

3D Maps

Dropbox Sync

WiFi Sync


We're working hard on these, and hope to add them without too much delay. Especially, once we have Dropbox syncing, it will be very easy to maintain your User Notes, Tools, and Highlights between the different installations.

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I would like to add my congratulations and thanks for the free windows version which I also wasn't expecting!


I also got a very small bug that I got about 20 alerts about synching work spaces but they cleared and most things seemed to work!


Once again, many thanks!



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Hi, Frank, and thanks for using Accordance on Windows!


Accordance is not an always online, cloud based program, so workspaces, user notes and tools, and other 'personal' content does not sync between installations. (for now, anyway).



You were able to download all of your texts and tools, but you'll have to manually transfer your user notes, tools, workspaces, and anything else that you'd like on your PC. If, on your Mac, you elected to update all of your User Notes and Tools to be cross-platform, you should be able to just copy and add them (and your workspaces) to your PC without any trouble.


We had a couple of features that weren't able to be ready for release. Of note, those are:

3D Maps

Dropbox Sync

WiFi Sync


We're working hard on these, and hope to add them without too much delay. Especially, once we have Dropbox syncing, it will be very easy to maintain your User Notes, Tools, and Highlights between the different installations.



Thanks for your reply...I was able to convert all but 25 of my workspaces over to windows...I am not sure what the problem is but I am having some problems opening these (mostly older workspaces) on my Mac....a dialog box states an error and then it locks up Accordance..I have to do a "force quit"


I went to every workspace on my mac and opened it and saved it then copied to windows...this is what I get when I open accordance...I can see the workspace but the menu bar is detached and empty...it works fine on the MAC...not sure what the problem is





I could paste an image ....so I am posting it in attachment




....sometimes in windows PC, the resource is not yet available and this locks it up too...


Is there any way to migrate my custom user folders I created in the library over to windows?


Also I think my custom timeline and map user modifications did not migrate over...will I have to redo these in windows?


These are very minor issues...I am justing posting them so when you have time, you can address them..


Thanks for all your hard work..I am OK with waiting until you have "time" to answer ..




Edited by fmcfee
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I too would like to thank and congratulate for the long anticipated Windows version.

Thank you!

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