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chapter detail on searches

Robb B

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I'm not sure if this is a general question or a feature request. Let's say I'm searching for all verbs in Jonah, and I'm primarily interested in their number (singular/plural). In the analysis or table sections of the Details area is there a way to show me by chapter the count of singular and plural verbs? For example (these numbers are totally made up):


Chapter Singular Plural

1 15 5

2 5 3


I've been able to see this kind of information for the entire search range, but I'm having trouble breaking it down by chapter automatically. I can obviously use an analysis graph and overlay or stack it to get a similar picture, but if I want the exact count is there something for that? If not, then I think that would be a great new feature.



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No, there is no way to do this. You would need to search separately for singular and plural verbs, and do a Table or Table Bar Chart for each search, with chapter detail.


I think the idea would be really messy, OK for Gender but what about Hebrew stem? There would be far too many columns for each class of information.

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While it could be messy, if implemented well enough it could produce some very interesting and helpful information.


For example, with the Hebrew stems, why not limit the number of columns to the top seven results? Or the user could define how many columns he wants to see in the Set Table Display dialog.


This is a feature that I've looked for in the past in Accordance, and so I finally decided to ask about it. Sloppily implemented it would be messy, but with the minds at Oak Tree, I have confidence it could be implemented in a clean and helpful way (maybe even with an Export to Spreadsheet option?) :)

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