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Copy and Paste into My Tool or Notes


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Is there a limit to the amount of text that I can copy and paste into a Tool that I created or into a Note? I am finding that in a Tool I created, after an initial copy and paste of a sizable amount of material, I was only able to paste a sentence or two after that. In Notes I couldn't paste all the text that I copied either.

I could copy and paste the the text into a word document or email or anywhere else but when I tried to paste it into a note, only a small amount of material pasted. I tried pasting it into a word document and then copying and pasting from there into the accordance note but had no success in pasting the entire text.

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I am using the latest version of Accordance on a PC with Windows 7

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I know this issue.


Can it be, that you will copy a character that Accordance does not support? Like ū or so or another sign?


Accordance support since 10.4.3 more unicode, but unfortunately not the full unicode list.





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