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Ezra SIL Unicode 2.4 Hebrew Keyboard

Michel Gilbert

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I'm happy to see that 11.0.3 "Fixed Greek Unicode keyboards conflicting with internal Greek Polytonic option."


I wonder if you would also look into SIL's Hebrew keyboard counterpart, Ezra SIL Unicode 2.4. The consonants א and ע and vowels ָ and ֵ are all shifted inputs (> , < , A , E ), and appear with an extra åå and to the right side of the word you're typing. See this screenshot, where you can see these characters separately, and what happens when you type the word אַבְרָהָם .




It is a standard keyboard in the Windows biblical world, along with the Greek Polytonic one. Since it has to do with the Shift Key, perhaps it would be an easy fix.


Thank you.





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I wish the keyboards could be unified.

I use BibleWorks, Accordance and Ezra SIL Hebrew Layouts. They are all different.

Is there a way for me to use the Ezra SIL Hebrew layout in Accordance without switching the input method?

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I noticed that in the list of improvements and fixes in Acc 11.0.4 at http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/15145-accordance-v-1104-mac-windows-released/

you did not list improvements to the Ezra SIL Unicode Hebrew keyboard.


However, it does seem to be fixed. All of the characters, including shifted ones, work in XP in 10.4.5 and now 11.0.4, and in Windows 7 and 8. I can use the keyboard in the Notes and in search boxes.


The Enter key to go to the next line doesn't work in Windows 7 or 8 programs, including in Accordance. I just change my system language back to English, and press Enter.


The keyboard actually works better in Accordance than other programs. Accordance automatically changes the final consonant forms, saving time using the shifted characters for ך ם ן ף ץ .


So now I can work in all my programs with the Ezra SIL keyboard.


This is very much appreciated.









PS I use Keyman Desktop 9.0. Download it at http://keyman.com/desktop/ , install it, open Configuration > Keyboard Layouts > Download keyboard , scroll down to Hebrew, Ancient, click Search, and choose the Ezra SIL keyboard.

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