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Merge HMT-W4 and NA28 into One Bible?

Ian V

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I seem to recall Tim talking about Accordance's ability to merge the Hebrew and Greek Bibles into one, so that when I search for a particular passage in either testament, the appropriate Bible is displayed (in Accordance for Mac and also for iOS). i.e. so I don't have to switch Bibles when I switch testaments. I did some searches on the forum but haven't seen this topic -- maybe I'm imagining things, or maybe I'm not using the correct key words. Does anyone know the answer to this question? Since I live in both testaments in the original languages, this feature would be of great help to me!


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Hi, Ian!


This feature is already enabled in Accordance 11. It is called "Combined Texts." Select any Bible as your main [search] text, then add a parallel pane with a "Combined Resource." You'll see a combo Hebrew OT and a Greek NT as one of the choices there. You can even make one of your own, if you don't care for the selections. [Check Combined Text in the Accordance Help].


These Combined Texts cannot be opened as the main Search text though, because they are in two different languages. Accordance would then be confused if we tried to search for a word.

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This tool is so cool. I really like it.


It has much much more capabalilty than I will ever be smart enough to use but it makes the stuff that I am capable of doing do fast and easy.



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Two caveats: this works only on the Mac and Windows Accordance, not the mobile. And you must have as your search text one that includes all the books you want to combine, such as an English Bible, preferably one with the Apocrypha if you want to include the LXX.

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The KJV + KJVA is possible and a default combined resource. 


Is this not possible with the germans Luther + Luther 2,  Menge + Menge 2, and the Spanisch Hoy + Hoy 2 and all the others with apokryphs?






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Thanks, everyone, for your helpful responses. Tim, you got to the heart of my mistake -- I didn't think to use the combined text as my secondary text, with the ESVS as my primary. And Helen, you answered my other question -- about iOS. Maybe this could be a future feature -- I'm constantly going back and forth between testaments in church and would love a combined (secondary) text if it becomes available.


By the way, the iOS 2 app looks great. I saw the Beta version in San Diego in November, but it's really nice to have the app for myself now!

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Those of us who work for Accordance use Accordance Mobile regularly. I assure you we'd like combined texts and tools in it as much as you, Ian. Now, that 2.0 has been released, we can start working on adding some of these other features.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


Why is it not possible to search combined text, when you have a case with same language - like LXX and NA28?

Is there a way to search for a Greek word throughout the OT and NT in one search?



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Hi, Morton!


I too would like the ability to search multiple corpora simultaneously, but we'd need to make some significant changes in our program. It's not just allowing us to search a combined text in a single pane, but we'd also need to modify all of the Analytics: hits graph, analysis graph, frequency table, etc. There is also the question about which corpora could be combined. What of someone who would want to search the GNT and the Apostolic Fathers or the Pseudepigrapha? I can think of other possible combinations, too. In fact, I have probably used them!


My [interim] suggestion is to set up a workspace with multiple tabs (or zones). Use the [LINK ?] command to tie all of the tabs to a single "master tab," so that Accordance will search all of the corpora with the same search entered into the "master tab." See podcast #83) Statistical Analysis and #87) Linking Commands for examples.

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Morten, you can also create a My Group in the Library, then perform research across all of the texts placed in that group.

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Thx for swift replies! I can see how this works for now. Perhaps in the future, a simpler solution will be worked out. 


Just to make sure I understand the "combined texts" correctly: this feature will 'only' provide you with a parallel text pane of - for example - a combined Hebrew-OT and Greek-NT text (instead of having them in two panes) - so when you go back and forth in your search text (for example an English Bible text), it always display the proper text. 


Can I do more with this new feature that I have overlooked?



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Yes, you have accurately described the function (and the limitations) of the Combined Text: it will only work as a parallel pane, not a search text.


The range of the corpus is set by the text in the Search (main) pane. Combined text will allow you to use several texts that each only cover part of that range.

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But how I wrote another time, it works not with all Bibles, even if they have only a part of the full. E.g. the german Lutherbibel don't work with the Lutherbibel-2 which has a part of the Apocryphs. And there are more of them.





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It works with all texts, provided you are adding books.  Lutherbibel-2 has extra parts of Esther and Daniel.  If you try to add it to a text already containing Esther and Daniel, it won't work.  However, if you start with the small text (Lutherbibel-2) and then add the bigger text (Lutherbibel), it will use the alternate passages whenever it can.  This is working for me, tested with a LXX source text that contains all of the parts of Esther.

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