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DCH Abbreviations List; Where Is It?


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David Clines, DCH, Hebrew lexicon has a number of abbreviations, most notably between < >, making major lexicographical divisions based on the syntax in which the headword is found in Classical Hebrew. Unfortunately, I don't find in the Accordance module a list of these abbreviations, & a search of the module text yield nothing when one searches for "abbreviations." It is hard to believe that a work like this would be published without a list of abbreviations. Are they in some read-me file somewhere?


One such example is


Edited by Enoch
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Hi Enoch, they are there, on p89 and 90 in the module. Not easy to find, and in the abbreviations, NOM CL is abbreviated nom. cl. which is why the search didn’t find it.


But here they are anyway...




Gn Ex Lv Nm Dt Jos Jg 1 S 2 S 1 K 2 K Is Jr Ezk Ho Jl Am Ob Jon Mc Na Hb Zp Hg Zc Ml Ps Jb Pr Ru Ca Ec Lm Est Dn Ezr Ne 1 C 2 C
Si SiM (Sirach from Masada)
1QpHb 1QS 1QM 1QH 11QT (etc.)
GnzPs (Cairo Geniza psalms)
Other abbreviations will be found in the section entitled, The Sources
+ = the following is used in association with the preceding
:: = the following is used in contrast or opposition to the preceding
|| = the following is used in parallel to the preceding
§ = section
† = not all these occurrences are listed in this article
→ = the following are related words
abs. = absolute
add. = additional (inscription)
adj. = adjective
adv. = adverb
AHL = Academy of the Hebrew Language
alw. = always
anat. = anatomical
app. = apposition
architect. = architectural
assoc. = associated, association
BHS = Biblia hebraica stuttgartensia
cent. = century
coll. = miscellaneous collocations
conj. = conjunction
corrupt. = corruption
cstr. = construct
del. = delete
der. = derivands, derivatives, i.e. morphologically related forms
descr. = describing, description
design. = designation, designating
du. = dual
em., see if em., or em.
emph. = emphatic
encl. = enclitic
esp. = especially
EW = Eisenman and Wise
f., fem. = feminine
fr. = fragment
freq. = frequently
gent. = gentilic
Gnz = Genizah fragment, manuscript
graf. = graffito
hi. = hiphil
ho. = hophal
htp. = hithpael
htpal = hithpalel
htpalp. = hithpalpel
htpo. = hithpoel
htpol. = hithpolal, hithpolel
I = inscription
ident. = to be identified
if em. = the foregoing results from an [Vol. 1, p. 90] emendation
impf. = imperfect
impv. = imperative
inf. = infinitive
ins. = insert
inscr. = inscription
intens. = intensive
interj. = interjection
intrans. = intransitive
interrog. = interrogative
Kh. = Khirbet
Kt = ketiv
L = Codex Leningradensis B19 A
lit. = literally
m., masc. = masculine
mg = marginal, sublinear, supralinear reading
mod. = modern
ms = manuscript
n. = noun
ni. = niphal
nom. cl. = noun clause
obj. = object
oft. = often
or em. = the foregoing will not be the case if the following emendation is accepted
orig. = originally
ost. = ostracon
part. = particle
pass. = passive
perh. = perhaps
pf. = perfect
pi. = piel
pilp. = pilpel
pl., plur. = plural
pl.n. = place name
po. = poel, po‘al,
pol. = polal, polel
prep. = preposition
pr.n. = personal name
prob. = probably
pron. = pronoun
pronom. = pronominal
ptc. = participle
pu. = pual
Q = Qumran
Qr = qere
ref. = reference
Seb = Sebir (supposed reading)
sf. = suffix
sg. = singular
Si = Ben Sira
sim. = similar, similarly
sing. = singular
specif. = specifially
subj. = subject
Sup = supplementary text(s)
syn. = synonym
T. = Tel, Tell
t = times
trans. = transitive
usu. = usually
var. = variant
vb. = verb
W. = Wadi
WA = Wacholder and Abegg
Y. = Yhwh
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My pleasure Enoch  :rolleyes:

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