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User Tool Header bug


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There is a bug in Accordance about the User Tool Headers.


In this Picture you can see that all chapters have the same level (Level 2) in Word.



You can see in BBEdit that the Level of the .HTML which is created from Word is also <h2>



But in Accordance the headers have different levels.



If I open the Tool editor then I see that Accordance has changed the level


from 2 to 3 and later (without pics) to 4 and later to 5


Thanks for fix it. I don't want it to fix it by editing in User Tools, its about 2500 pages in Word.







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Bug 2:


In Word the header is on 2 lines.



But in Accordance it is castra... to 1


and all format informations are lost.






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  • 1 month later...

Hopefully this is solved in 11.1, 'cause in 11.0.8 it isn't. It's a general problem that I have in many Tools.





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Trying to guess a full tool hierarchy from a likely overly complicated Word HTML output is a very difficult task.  Surely this is something that can be very easily cleaned up post-import.

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Yes it can be very easily cleaned, But this is a Commentary of the NT with thousands of entries. So I can, but I will not. I'm not overwhelmed but under timed.


This are so little bugs like the normal bold bug that is solved not in Accordance but with Word 16 and the HTML filtered export.

All browser didn't have problems to show it correct, only Accordance is not able.


Or other User Bible/Tools/Notes things that I have posted...


Please look at this. And use the insecticide against this bugs.





Edited by Fabian
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  • 2 months later...

Trying to guess a full tool hierarchy from a likely overly complicated Word HTML output is a very difficult task.  Surely this is something that can be very easily cleaned up post-import.



Now I have tried to edit them in 11.0.2. I saved it but if I checked after, Accordance has not accept my edits. So its damaged like before.


There are bugs!





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Fabian, can you send me the user tool that loses your edits?  Can you also provide an example of what edit you make where?

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Hello Joel


Will you send me a PM with your e-mail address or how to send you?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Bug 1 is solved with 11.1.3


but Bug 2 is still an open project.


Pics from Word (the Header is on two lines, made with shift-enter) post-32723-0-69525500-1452941095_thumb.png and in 11.1.3 post-32723-0-92119700-1452941206_thumb.png






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