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Highlight all hits is not working for me


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Frustration time:


I noted joyfully that Accordance has a highlight all hits function. I was in the process of highlighting all the references to the Malach YHWH in the Hebrew text, when I discovered that I could highlight all the hits instead of doing them all manually. But it did not work. Instead I got the rebuke pop-up:


"To highlight all hits, a search window pane must be selected which shows the hits."


But I had a window pane that showed all the hits.


2nd frustration is that the text of the rebuke pop-up cannot be highlighted & copied so as to paste it here. So I was going back and forth between Word & Accordance to get the quote right from the rebuke pane.


3rd frustration is that the Invision word processor on which I am composing this message, has the format section greyed out -- so font size, etc. cannot be chosen.

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