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MT-LXX Parallel Merge function not working properly


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The [MERGE] function in the MT-LXX Parallel tool is not working properly when I merge a search performed in the Hebrew Bible (Biblia Hebraica) Tagged module. Merging a search in MT-LXX Parallel should display only the items found in the original search, but instead it's displaying lots of additional items.


I've attached a screen shot. I've searched for qatal verbs not preceded by vav (i.e., non-weqatal verbs) in the Hebrew Bible module and then merged that search in the MT-LXX Parallel tool. As you can see, MT-LXX Parallel is returning hits such as ערב in Gen 1:5 and יבשׁה in Gen 1:10 that aren't even verbs.


I'm using Accordance 12.0.4 on a Mac running OS Sierra.


MT-LXX Parallel screenshot.tiff

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The MERGE command works best on simple word searches. What it does is take the entire list of hit words from the search, and highlighting all those words in the set of verses found in the search. So in your case it is working as it is designed, but of course it is not helpful to you. Short of a programming rewrite I cannot think of a solution. You can of course use the Dynamic Interlinear to display the Greek word under your hit words in the search tab.

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