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ἐν τῷ καθεξῆς only found in Research [All Texts] in GNT-TRS

Λύχνις Δαν

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Hi ya,


  Acc 12.0.4

  Win 10


  Doing a Greek research query against all texts for ἐν τῷ καθεξῆς only finds it in GNT-TRS despite the fact that other Greek NT texts I have contain the string also. Doing individual searches against GNT-EPT, or NA28 Greek for example do find the phrase. And expanding the search to include All finds the string in grammars as well but still not in all texts.


  In case it helps, the string I used was cut from Lk 8:1 in the GNT-EPT. And I have tried rebuilding my research cache but it made difference.




Edited by דָנִיאֶל
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Make sure you put the string in quotes, so that Accordance knows you're searching for that exact inflected form.

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Thanx Mark. That worked on Mac. I'll double check later on the Win laptop. I'm puzzled why GNT-TRS found anything though. Nonetheless, thanx.




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GNT TRS is tagged with Strongs numbers, not grammar, so all searches are by inflected form.

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Ah ok thank Joel.  So not a bug at all - ooops - sorry.




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