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Two basileia-questions


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I would like to do produce a search string that finds all "kingdom of God" occurrences in the NT. I have found two that seems to cover the different combinations:

1: βασιλεία <WITHIN 2 Words> "θεου"

2: βασιλεια ο "θεου" <OR> βασιλεια "θεου" <OR> "θεου" βασιλεια.


Two questions:

- Why does only the last one produce the right "hits". Both finds the 67 verses, but only the last one produces the right number of hits, which is 68, since Luke 17:20 has two occurrences. The first string finds 136 hits.

- If I want to locate verses that have the phrase two times, I can only get the last string to work - like: (βασιλεια ο "θεου" <OR> βασιλεια "θεου" <OR> "θεου" βασιλεια) <AND> (βασιλεια ο "θεου" <OR> βασιλεια "θεου" <OR> "θεου" βασιλεια) - whereas  (βασιλεία <WITHIN 2 Words> "θεου") <AND> (βασιλεία <WITHIN 2 Words> "θεοῦ) - produces the same result (136 hits).


​There must be something I don't get about the within-command that make it act differently than I expect. 


Thanks for clarification,



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A couple of things to help clarify, Morten.


1) When using connecting commands, like , etc, either side of the command counts as a hit.  Thus, in your case (1), both βασιλεία and "θεου" are hits.  You'll note that your hit count (136) is exactly double the hit count you are looking for (68).

2) Whenever doing complicated boolean logic, such as your second question, I always highly recommend using the construct instead of the entry box.  It helps clarify confusion and odd cases of double hits.  Using the command to find double hits is always unreliable.  FOLLOWED BY works better: βασιλεία "θεου"  βασιλεία "θεοῦ", but a construct works best.

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