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Background Searching

Brent Lawrence

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I'm not sure if this is possible due to the intensive nature of the Search All option, but I decided to do a Search All recently for the word "resurrection." Of course within a 2 or 3 minutes I had all my resources listed and was ready to start digging. As I waited for the search to complete, I wondered if there wasn't a way for Accordance to search all the modules I have in the background while allowing me to continue working in the current workspace, or even in another workspace for that matter. In fact, as I was typing this post, I thought I'd give it another try in a separate workspace and see if I could access the old workspace and I could not. Eventually, Accordance crashed (twice on an All Tools search) and reopened with no second workspace or results. That hasn't happened before, but that's for another thread.


This may seem minor, but I found that as I waited, I wanted to continue looking a Scripture or some other resource and couldn't since the Search All had taken over. Clearly, I understand that it has to access every module I own, and since I'm not a programmer I don't know how that's done.


Just curious if this is possible. Thanks.

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Thanks Robb. I obviously didn't search the topics enough to pull this one up. Exactly what I was suggesting. Thanks.

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