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Studying on iOS (Journals)


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When I find a quote in a journal and want to copy it out into an essay, the copy only copies the text and doesn't include the referencing information. Is this correct or is there a way to do it? (Looking forward to iOS 11 drag and drop, I hope we'll be able to set it so that reference information comes across in he deaf and drop as well)

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I think one workaround would be to use the iOS share option, to email yourself the web links to your quotes, and then go through each email on your desktop computer and use the links into accordance to copy out the reference information but that sounds like a lot of work.

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Not convinced drag and drop will help. Think the only solution will be for accordance to add citation info to their copy function as an enhancement.


Again not sure how you work but if you are just using one resource (as i tend to work through just one volume at a time), may be worth copying title author etc first, then when you copy chunks just manually add page number (i use ios notes but could do evernote or pages or upad which i have also experimented with).


You may find it easier to create a note with the publication info at top and then just past into different note files for respective publication.

Or pages file with different pages for each publication.

Non perfect but starts grouping the info and still a bit of a manual intervention.


I work slightly differently as detailed citation is less important and just create a new notes file and paste it with shorthand title for reference (nivac p yyor nidntte pzz) but i dont use proper journals with multiple articles but i do use non accordance resources in addition (eg the dreaded kindle) and they dont include detailed citation when I copy and paste or even typing stuff in from dead tree versions but investigating scanning in pdf is on my to do list.

Edited by ukfraser
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Your right, citation is much less important for commentaries, NIvaC, p290 is enough for later reference. Journals on the other hand are a lot more complicated, you often need. Year, month, title, author, page range, page number and more.


Even if we had a setting to "turn on" including a citation in the drag and drop, that would work for those who do research I think.

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Found this thread so on the radar. but in the mean time, rather than sharing, you may want to see how much is available and do two copy and pastes,1) citation info and 2) actual text.




Not ideal, but i have a different piece of software where i have had to introduce a number of additional steps due to a specific lack of a feature and a known bug which they havent fixed. After a while, you stop noticing it.

Edited by ukfraser
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