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How to search a Hebrew word that has a penultima accent?

Micha Wu

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I have a question that how can we search a Hebrew verb according to the position of the accent. For instance, I typed ב֣אה which has a Munach under the first letter, the searching result is as same as באה. This means that the searching command here is not sensitive to the accent or the accent position. I guess it is because the accent searching in Accordance only works well in the word level, not in the letter level. How can I define a searching command that only search for the penultima of (באה)? 







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The only way to search for accents (cantillation marks or te'amim) is with a period followed by the accent. You can link this with an @ to other search criteria but you cannot specify the character or the syllable on which it falls.


This search finds with a munach, and that's the best that you can do.




The quotes specify the inflected form, and an equal sign would indicate including vowels in the search, which would not work here.


Please see the Help files for details of Hebrew Searches.

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Thanks, Hellen. I need to specify the position of the accent. So I want to know if there is a way to fulfill it. The WTM does not encode the position of the accent. If there is a future version including this feature, it will be fantastic. But it probably needs some laborious work.

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