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When the content of a module is updated, is that just to correct errors so as to make the Accordance version match the printed version or are there corrections made that have been found which are also in the printed version? For example, I just got an update to BDAG to version 2.5. Are these updates over the years just bringing the Accordance version in line with the 2001 printed edition or do these updates also correct errors which may have occurred in the printed edition?

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I can only think of one fix to BDAG that was a change in the printed edition for this batch of changes, and it involved a reference that was correct in the prior print edition, but was improperly typeset in the current. We almost never "fix" the printed edition unless it's extremely obvious, or if we get permission from the publisher/author. Most updates involve things like references that aren't linked, formatting changes, the addition of links to new modules that we have now, but weren't available when we first created the module, etc. 

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