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[SOLVED] Move Accordance Data Files


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Due to slow speeds on my main hard drive, I've attached a new SSD to my computer and I wanted to move my Accorance data files there. For clarification, the "Accordance data files", or as Accordance calls them, the "Support Files", are the collection of files that you downloaded from AccordanceBible.com that comprise your package and the individual modules and tools that you have purchased separately.  In my case it's 7.8GB.  This is a different folder from the personal files that you're asked to create when you first installed Accordance.  
Here is the process to move your Accordance Data / Support files from inside the Accordance application:
1) Close Accordance if you already have it open.
2) Copy your Accordance data from C:\ProgramData\Accordance to your destination disk.  Mine was the E:\ drive:

3) Open Accordance and choose [utilities][Choose Support Files Location...].

4) Browse to your new Data Files location and click [Ok].

5) You will be prompted to restart Accordance for the settings to take place.  Click [OK], then close and restart Accordance.


6) Open Accordance to ensure that it's working properly.  If you get any errors, just repeat steps 3-5 or just point the Support Files location back to the original folder to make it work.
That's it!  You can now delete the original C:\ProgramData\Accordance folder and clear up some space your local drive.   
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