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Tie non-texts to text tabs


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I would find it incredibly helpful to have non-text modules able to tie to the text tabs. Specifically, I’m thinking about the Atlas and Timelines. I often keep these windows up on a separate display when reading. My perfect scenario would be: I’m reading through the Biblical text. As I keep reading, the atlas tracks with me, changing what is visible and labeled based on the locations that are being talked about in the passage. So as Jesus moves from, day, Capernum to Jerusalem, the Atlas re-zooms and shows a different map.


Of course, I could see this being a lot of programming work. But I would find it quite useful! (And it would play well as a nifty feature to advertise!)


Thanks for your consideration!

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Mmmh, If the Atlas and the Timeline is tied to the [Topic:    ]. This could be possible. But I'm not sure. But I like the idea.





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One difficulty with a map that changed dynamically with each verse would be for those references that include more than one location, such as Josh 2:1. Which one should the map choose? However, we do have a section for the Atlas in the Info Pane. This section does change dynamically with each verse and provides immediate links for any place that is mentioned. Notice also that in this case, Canaan is also included as an inference to the general location, even though it is not mentioned specifically by name in Josh 2:1.



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Hmm. That is a good point. But it seems like, since you already have the data compiled for every verse, it might actually be easier to program it. But if you had multiple places, it seems like the map should just adjust to show and label all of those places. And in terms of territories such as Caanan, the atlas could just include a shape (rather than a point, as for a city) showing that region.


Not to dive too much into the weeds. I do appreciate that reminder about the info pane. I will probably begin using that more often now. I just think it would be cool, helpful, and quite marketable if the atlas were synced up.

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