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Odd bug... "=χρασισ"


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I ran a search on the lexeme of εκεινος. I couldn't make sense of one of the results: χρασισ

So I triple clicked... and now I realize that it was searching for "crasis" forms, i.e., contracted forms.

Just odd that it came up in Greek...

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This issue comes up from time to time. It's not a bug. There are a few constructions which are noted in Greek or Hebrew in non-words. This is one of them. לל is another but I cannot recall what it's for right now.


It's documented in the help if you search for crasis.




Edited by דָנִיאֶל
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You can search for examples of crasis where two words are combined into one such as  καγω (και + εγω) (and I).  The crasis tag is attached to the second word of the combination and can be found by searching for its transliteration in quotation marks: "χρασις". 


  • To find examples of crasis beginning with και search for και "χρασις"
  • To find examples ending with εγω search for εγω@"χρασις".

Both of these searches will find καγω, as will a search for "καγω".

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  • 3 weeks later...

 לל is another but I cannot recall what it's for right now.


from memory:

  • לל stands for loanword (i.e. from Persian etc.)
  • ננ stands for no known root
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לל = loan lexeme

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