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Easily Move From Parallel to Opened Resource


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I frequently am reading through a reference tool (such as a commentary) that is in parallel with my text and want to navigate through the table of contents or at least view it. However, even though the resource is already open in parallel to get access to the table of contents and use it as a navigational tool I have to open it from my library again.


I would love to be able to convert a parallel resource into an opened resource (complete with the ToC navigation pane) or at least duplicate it.

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Hmmm, with the Info Pane open, I Cmd-click on the resource icon to open up a tied instance in a new zone. I will remove the tie to the main tool in the text zone if I am working with TOC and parts of the resource not associated with the text under study. Yes, it takes a few steps, but my muscle memory is getting pretty good with this procedure. I often just hover over commentary icons in the Info Pane to see if there is something interesting showing in the Instant Details, and then open that commentary with Cmd-click in a new zone (or bunches of resources rapidly) and then work from the new zone.


I am pretty comfortable with this procedure and am able to get through things rapidly because the Instant Details, Info Pane, and click options work so well together.




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