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Help with Notes


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I have a few questions about the notes feature that I am trying to figure out.


First, I have about 5-6 translations open in parallel viewing mode. In the NIV I created a note for a particular verse. I then created a note on the same verse but in the NLT as my thoughts/comments were different. When I then went in to view the notes, all of it come up under 1 NIV heading on the right hand side. Why does it not split it up between translations.


Two, how can I add another note to a place where a note already exists.


Three, how do I delete a note within a file so the little document icon does not appear next to the text?

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1) Notes in Accordance apply to a specific verse, not translation.  So, a note you create on Deut 4:7 would be available at Deut 4:7 for all translations.  If you would like to keep separate sets of notes, I recommend you make multiple note files.  You can create more note files using the User Notes toolbar icon, or under File -> User Files -> New User Notes...


2) Once you have multiple notes files, if you right-click in the note margin instead of left click, you get a choice of which notes file to add the users notes to.  Alternateively, if you have multiple notes files and simply type Cmd-U to create a note, it will ask which notes file you wish to use.


3) If you simply delete all of the contents of a note, the actual note itself disappears, along with its icon.

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