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User Tool Scripture Recognition Tweaks


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A few ideas about the (really awesome!!!) auto-recognition of Scripture references in User Tools:


  1. Allowing for marking "Q" as a book (probably linked with the Lk. numbering). It may well be that in the Instant Details window, you need to show the Lk passage or something, but it would be really useful to have Instant Details so I can read the passage being referenced.
  2. Support for "a", "b", etc. verse subdivisions. I personally import text into my User Tools that includes references such as "Gen 4:1a - ... ". It seems to always throw off the automatic recognition, which has meant that I have to through and manually remove them from the document. I personally don't care if Accordance retains the subdivision, but I would love for it to be able to recognize and skip over the "a", "b", etc. so I don't need to go through manually to remove them.
  3. The same for brackets used for differences in Hebrew/English versification. Some references are (to use a made-up example) say, "Ps. 89:4-6[5-7]." Again it would be lovely to not have to manually take these out from my User Tool content.
  4. Being able to skip over brackets used otherwise. In my content, it is most often showing the number of times something is referred to. So, for example, "This word appears in Gen 1:3; 2:5; 4:3, 5; 7:2 [2x]; 11:16 [3x]; and 15:6."
  5. Also, in the example above, to recognize the "and" and to be able to skip over it (the "and 15:6").
  6. Recognition for non-canonical books. This would probably require publicizing standardized references (e.g., maybe "GThom") to make sure they are referred to correctly. I use references that have a significant number of references, especially to 1 Enoch, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Peter, Testament of Abraham, and Gospel of Judas. Of course, you would need the relevant modules from Accordance to show these, but it would again be very helpful to be able to see the verse reference.

Thank you, as always, for your consideration!


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