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Crashes and Hangs while working w/ Papers


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Accordance Crash Log

4/4/19, 10:27:35 AM

Program Version: 12.3.4 (12.3.4)

OS Version: 10.14.3


Message: Access violation

Address:   $000000010F4DAFB0



0   acord                               0x000000010f4dafb0 acord + 7385008

1   acord                               0x000000010f4dae07 acord + 7384583

2   acord                               0x000000010f4daaa4 acord + 7383716

3   acord                               0x000000010f4dc4a7 acord + 7390375

4   acord                               0x000000010ef61218 acord + 1643032

5   acord                               0x000000010ee80da5 acord + 724389

6   AppKit                              0x00007fff300fe1eb -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 5668

7   AppKit                              0x00007fff30032223 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 2319

8   AppKit                              0x00007fff300316c9 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 481

9   acord                               0x000000010ee3cf50 acord + 446288

10  AppKit                              0x00007fff2fece954 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 336

11  acord                               0x000000010ee47dfe acord + 491006

12  AppKit                              0x00007fff2febc19d -[NSApplication run] + 755

13  acord                               0x000000010ee455cb acord + 480715



0x000000000edd0000 /Applications/Accordance.app/Contents/MacOS/acord

0x000000010fb6e000 /Applications/Accordance.app/Contents/Frameworks/ZipArchive.framework/Versions/A/ZipArchive

0x000000010fbba000 /Applications/Accordance.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle

0x000000010fc40000 /Applications/Accordance.app/Contents/Frameworks/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework/Versions/A/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial


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Sunday morning. My sermon notes are on an Accordance "paper" doc. While doing my early morning finishing touches, there was an "I/O error" (I didn't think to get the code). I smelled a rat and so saved my notes as a Word doc. Soon there was another I/O error...and then most of my info on the paper was gone. It looks to me like it reverted to an older saved version. I was good because I had saved what I had done in that Word doc, which was effective. 


But now I am afraid to use papers, which I have enjoyed.


I have a thought. I had recently "organized" the papers into neat folders...and I think this may have been the next sync after moving them around. Does that make sense? Is there a problem I need to be aware of with syncing and papers? Thanks for any feedback. I have come to really love papers...and the way it syncs to my phone. 

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It's happening again. It says "I/O Error #0." Appears to happen while trying to sync. 

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What devices are you syncing between?  Was it the same paper both times?

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post-31238-0-19743900-1558870805_thumb.pngI also have had an I/O error (also on a Sunday morning before preaching while doing the final work on a sermon).

I took a screenshot of the dialog box.

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Thank you.  Would you be able to send me that paper file?

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Do either of you recall the very last thing you edited/added prior to getting this error?

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