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Setting to use accord: for location URLs?


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In macOS one can select a text and Copy As > Location URL. On iOS, sharing a selected text makes a URL as well as the selected text available to the extension selected in the Share popup. Is there a setting on either of these platforms to use the accord: scheme instead of https://accordance.bible/for these URLs? I prefer the former because it goes directly to Accordance on macOS.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gathering from the silence that the answer is no, I've made an iOS shortcut to copy an accord: link: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/236a758e011345168678b9df999ff478

To use it, select some text in the iOS app and choose Share from the popup menu. Choose Shortcuts from the share sheet, and then tap on this shortcut. An accord: link to the location will be copied to the clipboard.


The way it works is very simple: it just takes the URL that Accordance provides for sharing, replaces "https://accordance.bible/link/"with "accord://", and copies the result to the clipboard.

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  • 2 months later...

This has come up on a different discussion post. I would LOVE it if someday there was a preference setting somewhere to default to the accord: scheme. There are various reasons that Accordance set up the web-based system, some of them outside of the Accordance’ control. But since I am constantly using URL schemes for my own personal workflow, I obviously want it to go directly to the app. I have created various scripting workarounds on both platforms that make it function smoothly enough for me, but it would make URL schemes accessible and useful to the average person if there was an option in preferences to default to the accord: scheme.


I hope to create a post sometimes soon showing the various automation things you can do with Accordance on both iOS and Mac OS. It’s incredible. Super powerful.

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I hope to create a post sometimes soon showing the various automation things you can do with Accordance on both iOS and Mac OS. It’s incredible. Super powerful.





I for one would really appreciate that. My knowledge of computers is strictly limited to what they can be used for; I have basically no knowledge of what goes on under the hood. So anything that would help make better use of them—particularly with Accordance—would be very helpful.

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  • 3 months later...

Passing comment. Thank you!!!! for adding this preference option in Accordance 13. Has already transformed my workflow. I love it. Thank you!!

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