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Case Sensitive Search Results


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Has anyone else noticed that if you do a search for a particular word in a text of Scripture that it will differentiate between that exact same word with a lowercase first letter and an uppercase first letter? So if you search for the word "law" and it occurs 33 times as "law" but then another 2 times at the start of a sentence as "Law" it won't show all 35 results. Is this a glitch or is there an easy way to get around this? For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would want to have case sensitivity on by default for their searches. 



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Case sensitivity is absolute necessary in German, where a word in uppercase and lowercase has different meanings.


Maybe a verse, word, letter search option is needed here too. Not only for Hebrew.


Or the app recognizes the different languages by a tag in the modules, but this makes it more complicated on the Accordance site. Maybe if all texts has “(German)” as I suggested this year then this can be a way.





Edited by Fabian
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The original post is describing the case sensitivity in the Analytics. This cannot be turned off so your results there will always distinguish between Job and job, as well as between jobs and job's.


In the search tab you can add case sensitivity by search with =. So =Job will only find the capitalized form, and =job's will find the possessive but not the plural.

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So just to make sure I understand this... Let's say I want to search for G3056 (logos) in my ESV with Strongs. I do the search and it returns 325 results. I click "View Analytics" - "Pie Chart" and from the dropdown ask it to display the word instead of the key number. Within those results it's going to show that 166 times that key number is translated as "word" and then in another slice of the pie it is going to show that 5 times it is translated as "Word" with a capital "W". Are you saying there is no way for me to run that search so that it would combine both cases of "word" and "Word" to show me a slice that would indicate that it is translated as "word/Word" a total of 171 (166+5) times? 


If that is correct, I'm just curious as to why it would default to showing separate cases as separate results, and if there is any possible way for me to construct the search differently so as to always include both cases in the same total of results. Especially since this sort of case sensitive breakdown means that anytime that key number is translated as the first word in a sentence, it's going to list a separate result because it got capitalized in the translation. I just want to run a quick search that tells me how many total times the key number G3056 is translated as the same English word regardless of case sensitivity. 


Thanks for the help.

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No, there is currently no option to combine the Analytics results. You can run the search for word@[KEY G3056] and your total results at the top of the pane will combine both forms.

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Thank you for the clarification and the helpful suggestion.

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Incidentally, if you have the pie chart open, you can shift click on either pie slice (Word or word) it will construct the search Helen gives above and run it for you.




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