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Crash trying to close a tab

Λύχνις Δαν

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Hi ya,


  I had a number of tabs and zones open and tried to move a tab from a zone to another zone. That was refused by Acc I think because it thought that would result in too many zones but in fact it would have removed one as that tab I was moving was the last in the zone. In any case I then just decided to close the tab. Clicking on the x on the tab header I got this crash


Accordance Crash Log
6/22/19, 12:21:35 PM
Program Version: 12.3.5b2 (
OS Version: 10.12.6

Message: Access violation
Address:   $0000000100E9FDE0

0   acord                               0x0000000100e9fde0 acord + 1924576
1   acord                               0x0000000100e9fe18 acord + 1924632
2   acord                               0x0000000100e9fd7c acord + 1924476
3   acord                               0x0000000100e9f8dd acord + 1923293
4   acord                               0x0000000100ea4ee3 acord + 1945315
5   acord                               0x0000000100ea4d86 acord + 1944966
6   acord                               0x0000000100e9ae0b acord + 1904139
7   acord                               0x000000010111d8aa acord + 4536490
8   acord                               0x0000000100de90d1 acord + 1175761
9   acord                               0x0000000100d626b6 acord + 624310
10  libsystem_trace.dylib               0x00007fff93a593a7 _os_activity_initiate_impl + 53
11  AppKit                              0x00007fff7be63721 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 456
12  acord                               0x0000000100d4247f acord + 492671
13  AppKit                              0x00007fff7b947cc4 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86
14  AppKit                              0x00007fff7b947bec __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 136
15  libsystem_trace.dylib               0x00007fff93a593a7 _os_activity_initiate_impl + 53
16  AppKit                              0x00007fff7b947b44 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 128

0x0000000000cca000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/MacOS/acord
0x0000000101a63000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ZipArchive.framework/Versions/A/ZipArchive
0x0000000101aae000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
0x0000000101b39000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework/Versions/A/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial
0x00000001080aa000 cl_kernels
0x00000001080f7000 cl_kernels



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Clicking on the x on the tab header I got this crash


I too have experienced numerous crashes when pressing the close button for a specific pane (not necessarily the close button for the entire window, or "instance" of Accordance," but specifically the particular window pane.


I've reported this and had a semi-ongoing dialogue with certain Accordance employees--perhaps because I'm very unique as a Windows 7 user.

Edited by TYA
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Daniel, I've been unable to reproduce this.  Does it happen reliably for you?  I'm trying to determine if there is something special about your workspace/settings that I need to replicate to get the crash reliably.

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I just noticed this is a beta rel and should be logged in the beta forum - sorry.


The workspace was not saved. I recall it's shape vaguely. Let me see if I can repro this and get you more details.




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If you do get it to reproduce reliably in a certain workspace, posting the workspace would be a great help.

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Do you recall what was in the tab you attempted to move?

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Off the top of my head, I think I had a pane on the left with a text - likely GNT or LXX. Then next to that another zone with a tab of something - research/lexica - not sure - maybe this middle zone did not exist - try with and without and see I guess. Then third zone on the right at the top and a fourth at the bottom right. In the top I some tabs - analysis ?? Not sure. In the bottom three (I think) tabs which I think were analysis of one thing or another. Actually that's not quite right. There must have been multiple zones with 1 tab each side by size in the bottom. And then I tried to move one to stack the tab in one of the other zones - say the right most moved to combine with the left most of these three. That failed saying it would be too wide or something like that. I then just tried to close the tab. And then it crashed.



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Ok so the good news is I reproduced it. The bad news is that I got three different other issues.


Problem 1.


The workspace is attached. Now, first. When I created the workspace the bottom rightmost tab was only half visible as though it was cut off by the edge of the screen. See image:




Problem 2.


In this form: Try to move the bottom rightmost tab to one of the two adjacent to it. It should say it cannot fit. Then clear that dialog and click on the x to close the tab. Acc will crash with the crash stack reported above.


Ok after that, though in fact before it when I was trying to prepare the test case, the following things also occurred. (Do you think Greek is affecting my sentence structure :) ).


If I save this workspace as it is attached here. I attached it to this post before going on with these experiments because the first attempt resulted, after several attempts, in a workspace that I could not open at all.


Problem 3.


When I open this ws, I get the dialog saying one of the queries has no hits which is correct and the workspace is not displayed which is odd. I then switched away to another Mission Control desktop and came back. Then the workspace appeared with an additional GNT tab - NA28 is my default search tab text. That seems a little odd.


Once it appeared, it was laid out slightly differently and it all fitted. It looks like this:




So I tried to close the workspace (at least I think that's what I tried - right now I cannot open that ws at all) and got this crash :


Accordance Crash Log
6/26/19, 6:46:29 PM
Program Version: 12.3.5b2 (
OS Version: 10.12.6

Message: Access violation
Address:   $0000000109E28DE0

0   acord                               0x0000000109e28de0 acord + 1924576
1   acord                               0x0000000109e28e18 acord + 1924632
2   acord                               0x0000000109e28d7c acord + 1924476
3   acord                               0x0000000109e288dd acord + 1923293
4   acord                               0x0000000109e2dee3 acord + 1945315
5   acord                               0x000000010a2c6e4a acord + 6766154
6   acord                               0x000000010a2c6d05 acord + 6765829
7   acord                               0x0000000109e2b776 acord + 1935222
8   acord                               0x000000010a3fc98d acord + 8034701
9   acord                               0x0000000109cc8eef acord + 483055
10  acord                               0x0000000109cccbba acord + 498618
11  Foundation                          0x00007fff7f6a3c2f __NSFireTimer + 83
12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff7dbfbd34 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20
13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff7dbfb9c3 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1075
14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff7dbfb51a __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 298
15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff7dbf2ef1 __CFRunLoopRun + 2081
16  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff7dbf2474 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420

0x0000000009c53000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/MacOS/acord
0x000000010a9ee000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ZipArchive.framework/Versions/A/ZipArchive
0x000000010aa3e000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
0x000000010aac6000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework/Versions/A/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial
0x0000000123baa000 cl_kernels

So this is not reproduced by this method. Sorry don't know what does it.


Problem 4.


Try to move the bottom rightmost tab to one of the two adjacent to it. It should say it cannot fit. Then clear that dialog and click on the x to close the tab. Then close the other two next to it. Then open them again by going to each of the three text tabs and opening Analysis. Trying to open the first one will crash with this dump:


Accordance Crash Log
6/26/19, 6:51:14 PM
Program Version: 12.3.5b2 (
OS Version: 10.12.6

Message: Access violation
Address:   $0000000104F11919

0   acord                               0x0000000104f11919 acord + 1173785
1   acord                               0x0000000104fcbad4 acord + 1936084
2   acord                               0x0000000104f0540b acord + 1123339
3   acord                               0x0000000104fd37ba acord + 1968058
4   acord                               0x0000000105277d25 acord + 4738341
5   acord                               0x000000010528aaa4 acord + 4815524
6   acord                               0x0000000105471e32 acord + 6811186
7   acord                               0x000000010508ddfd acord + 2731517
8   acord                               0x000000010508dbf1 acord + 2730993
9   acord                               0x0000000105258ab6 acord + 4610742
10  acord                               0x000000010524dd34 acord + 4566324
11  acord                               0x0000000104f120d1 acord + 1175761
12  acord                               0x0000000104eba1d3 acord + 815571
13  acord                               0x0000000104e8d5f6 acord + 632310
14  libsystem_trace.dylib               0x00007fff93a593a7 _os_activity_initiate_impl + 53
15  AppKit                              0x00007fff7be63721 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 456
16  acord                               0x0000000104e6b47f acord + 492671

0x0000000004df3000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/MacOS/acord
0x0000000105b92000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ZipArchive.framework/Versions/A/ZipArchive
0x0000000105bde000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
0x0000000105c69000 /Applications/Accordance Aleph 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework/Versions/A/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial
0x00000001086dc000 cl_kernels





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Daniel, I'm always grateful for the amount of work you put into these reports!  I'll see what I can do to get these fixed ASAP.

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