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Why did a "Saved session" not remember all open windows?


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Not much I can post in the way of evidence or documentation on this issue, but this isn't the first time that a "Saved session," in which I had about 7 windows open at the time I saved it, only opens up with a couple of the windows.


In other words, although I specifically created (and later overwrote) this saved session with about 7 windows, when I used it to open again (with multiple attempts, just to be sure), it only opened 2 of the 7 windows.  Why would this be?

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Update: This just happened again, a second time.  Ugh.


I just built up another study going with about 7-10 windows open.  This time used "File -> Save As" and then saved as an "Accordance File" on the Desktop.  Restarted my computer just to test it, and when I tried to open the file, it only opened 1 out of 7+ windows.


Thankfully, I was able to use "Open Autosaved Session," and that did restore all the windows perfectly on this latest attempt.  However, that works better for the random crashes, which I still experience about once a day (ugh).  I want the regular "Save session" option or "Save As" to be able to save studies long-term.

Edited by TYA
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Can Accordance acknowledge or respond to this thread?  I've heard nothing yet.  Thank you.

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Can you send me a copy of the workspace?


Did you hit "Save As.." or "Save Session..."?  I think "Save As" saves the workspace you have active, while "Save Session" saves all of them as a set.

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Did you hit "Save As.." or "Save Session..."?  I think "Save As" saves the workspace you have active, while "Save Session" saves all of them as a set.


Perfect.  I think this explains it.  I was doing "Save As..."  I now ran a test tonight by opening several windows and saving them two different ways--both as "Save As..." and "Save Session."  I then closed all the windows manually so Accordance wouldn't remember all the open windows by default, and I then launched the program by the "Save As..." file I created.  It only opened one out of 5 windows.  But the "Save Session" file launched all the windows just as I saved them.  So I should be doing "Save Session."


Perfect, Silas!  Thank you.

Edited by TYA
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