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MHNTS (Modern Hebrew New Testament) Tagging


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Why does it seem that any Hebrew word in the MHNTS with a preposition affixed to it only gives the Greek information for the conjunction?  In other words, Hebrew words with a preposition don't give me all the tagging information for the main Greek word in those cases (see attached).


The Instant Details recognizes the entire Hebrew word (as my screenshot shows), but then only gives Greek information for the preposition on the front of the word.


Thank you.


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The words are in fact tagged with both Strong's numbers as you will see if you select them and open Parsing. They should both display in Instant Details, but apparently a recent programming fix has suppressed this. We'll look into it.


Edit: This IS working for 2 Strong's numbers, but this word has 4 as shown in the Parsing. That will take some extra programming to handle. So use the right-click: Lookup: Parsing whenever you need to see all the Greek words.


Further Edit: I see only 2 in the Instant Details panel, but when I open the pop-up over the word I see all 4 numbers, though the spacing isn't ideal. This is on Mac, may need to check on Windows. I think your issue is that you are pressing Ctrl as well as Alt so you see the dictional definition of the first word rather than all the words.


MHNTS Strongs.png

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You are correct: if I just press "Alt" on my Windows PC I now see all the Greek words.  Thanks, Helen!

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