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Manual Ability for Footnotes and Bibliography

Fr. Thomas Sandberg

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I wish Accordance13 had updated the footnote and bibliography capabilities. If you use Pages or Google Docs, you're stuck, and if you use Mellel, you can't get the footnote or bibliography when using a GNT to cite the actual text, just the book and verse. In fact, as far as I know, there is nowhere in Accordance to get the bibliographic information concerning a text the way there is in Logos/Verbum. In one's library in Accordance, if you click the info, it gives you very little information.


With Accordance, there is not manual "copy and paste in specific style" like in Logos/Verbum, so when using Accordance, I have to open Logos/Verbum and copy and paste from there...


https://www.accordancebible.com/Tip-Inserting-Footnotes This article only helps with Mellel, but not when using a GNT, and even with this, you still have to go to preferences and switch it back and forth between footnotes and bibliography.


I hope in Accordance14, they will allow the user to open a resource and have a spot for the footnote/bibliography in specific styles like Logos/Verbum allows the user, and even bibliographic information like Logos/Verbum does. Sometimes shortcuts aren't.


Accordance, if far, far superior to Logos/Verbum, except when it comes to these issues. Logos has this beat; it is faster, easier, more user-friendly, and more able to be used for differing individual needs.


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