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Untie scrolling - bug or oversight?


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Not sure if this is a bug, an oversight or by design - I set a tied commentary pane to "untie scrolling", which works perfectly while moving around in the passage, but if I search for another passage using the search field, the commentary pane moves to the new passage, it doesn't remain 'untied' during the search but then becomes 'untied' again to the new passage.


Interestingly if I use the scroll bar to move to a new passage or to another book, the commentary pane remains untied and doesn't move, likewise if I use the reference box in the bottom right of Accordance to move to a different book, the commentary pane remains untied and doesn't move. But I rarely use these 2 methods of moving to a different passage or book, so wonder why the main way of jumping to a new passage, maybe to quickly check another passage while reading the commentary section would cause a commentary pane to move when it's set to untied? 

Edited by pbgroover
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That's definitely not expected behavior. I'm not seeing this issue on my machine. Perhaps try creating a new workspace and see if the problem persists?

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Interesting...  I opened a new workspace and this consist behaviour isn't happening now.


However, it begins to happen again, or something similar after the pane is untied, tied and untied again, it seems to produce strange behaviour, where it ties to a previous passage.


For example I was looking at Gen 1, I untied the pane and moved to John 1, which is fine, then I untied the commentary pane so the commentary moves to John. I then untied the pane and moved the text pane to Luke 1 and the commentary reverted back to Gen 1, it doesn't stay in John 1. I am using Tyndale commentary set and making sure I am moving to different passages with the Bible text pane highlighted and not the commentary pane.


I've tried this by opening 4 or 5 new workspaces and produced the same odd behaviour each time... 

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