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What text is "Hebrew Audio - OT Verses" reading from in Daniel?


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I was spot-checking something in Daniel ch. 6, and the "Hebrew Audio - OT Verses" in Accordance are reading a Hebrew text there instead of the Aramaic that is present in the BHS-T.  What version, or what exactly are the "Hebrew Audio" readers reading from?

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Does this look like what you are hearing in Daniel?



If so what you are listening to is The Bible Society In Israel's  ספר הבריתות it contains both the Tanakh (OT) and the Brit HaChadasha (NT) along with modern Hebrew translations of Aramaic sections. The picture above was taken of the 1991 edition of it. You can find a more recent edition of it at the following link:    https://biblesocietyinisrael.com/product/full-hebrew-bible-standard-size/





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Brian is correct. The audio was done by the Bible Society in Israel, and they are reading their Hebrew translation of the Aramaic. I checked the beginning of Dan. 6 in the 1991 edition, and he is reading it. I don't have time to listen to all of the Aramaic sections to check if they are all based on that edition.


I'm impressed, Brian, that you knew about this. So, I liked your post.



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No, he is reading the Hebrew translation for the correct verses, on my Mac at least. I checked other verses also, e.g., Dan. 2:4, which is quite funny: "They spoke to the king in Aramaic," followed by speaking in Hebrew. I haven't downloaded it on my Android phone to check there. If I have time, and space, I'll try to remember to check for you.



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Thanks Brian and Michel.  I especially liked the ""They spoke to the king in Aramaic,""

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No, he is reading the Hebrew translation for the correct verses, on my Mac at least. I checked other verses also, e.g., Dan. 2:4, which is quite funny: "They spoke to the king in Aramaic," followed by speaking in Hebrew. I haven't downloaded it on my Android phone to check there. If I have time, and space, I'll try to remember to check for you.





Sure enough, I just checked myself. I am guessing that this problem exists across all of the Aramaic sections. 

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Michel, no need to check--for me, anyway.  It's clear enough that what you and Brian said must be correct: they are reading a Hebrew translation of the Aramaic text in Daniel.  Just thought it was interesting; that's all.  Thank you.

Edited by TYA
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