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Hebrew 'return'


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When I search on a lexeme in HMT-W4 in Hosea 14:2 for שׁוּבָ I find 139 hits. Searching the same lexeme in verse 3 brings up 405 hits, all different. Similar results happen with a root search. The same dictionary entry shows up for either instance. Granting that my Hebrew is both rusty and low level, what obvious difference am I missing? 


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My guess, based on what you reported, is that you are just right-clicking the word and doing Search For -> Lexeme.


The right click selects the entire word, including prefixes and suffixes.  Since the case in Hos 14:2 ("שׁוּ֚בָה") has a suffix, your right-click finds all cases where שׁוב is followed by a suffix.  Similarly, the case in Hos 14:3 ("וְשׁ֖וּבוּ") has a prefix, so you are finding all the places where it is preceded by a prefix.


If you truly want to find everywhere that שׁוּבָ is found, you have a few options:


1) Use your mouse to just select the three letters you desire, before doing a right-click.




2) After one of your right-click searches, if you look in the top entry box, you would either see the [sUFFIX] indicator, or the prefix indicator ("=וְ").  Just delete those so your search is only of the main lexical form.




3) If you set up Live Click, then a simple click on שׁוּבָ will find its usage within Hosea, the entire text, and all other texts, depending on how your Live Click is configured.


I hope this helps!

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Simplest for me is answer #1, but I get the idea and the thoroughness of your answer helped me understand just what I was missing.


Thanks much.

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