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Research is Searching each User Tool Twice


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I just noticed My Tools are being searched twice in Research. Once for [All English] and again for [Content]. These seem to be pulled from the actual book search options. It would be fine, but the majority of these results are the same for each (slight variations for some).


Is there a way to just search Content or just search All English in the Research tab? Regular Tools are likewise being searched twice for the same settings. Is this normal? I couldn't find any reference to it in the help files....



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I could be wrong, but I think Accordance is just displaying the results in multiple ways, not re-running the searches. Then you can click on the categories however best suits your purpose. 

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I just noticed My Tools are being searched twice in Research. Once for [All English] and again for [Content].


Technically, the tools are being searched in multiple categories, including "Titles" too.  "All English" and "Content" are two different categories, and you are simply seeing the results displayed according to which of these cateogories, or "filters" the results are associated with.


"All English" is a new category added since v. 13, since previously Accordance mandatorily split information into various "filters" which could not be reconciled together.  I, for one, complained repeatedly about this because I felt that the user should not necessarily be "pigeon-holed" into searching by only one "filter," such as "Content," "References," "Titles."  There should be an "ALL" option to find something regardless of any other filter designation applied to it.


Hence, the "All English" cateogory / filter.  Note: It actually isn't *truly* "All English," as certain resources like the Dead Sea Scrolls Index still segment scroll references (e.g. 1QIsa) as "References" only, and you wouldn't be able to use "All English" to find such references (ugh!!!!!!).  But hopefully that will be changed soon.


While I am ranting, I will also take this opportunity to state that Scripture references cannot yet be found with "All English"--another egregious shortcoming, since the user should be able to search key words like "Messiah" in conjunction with Scripture references, forming a search like this: Messiah <WITHIN 10 Words> Mat 1:1


So, although you didn't ask for all this, Jonathan, I appreciate you creating the platform for me to reiterate a request :)  "All English" needs to be truly "All English."

Edited by TYA
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The "All English" results will only show if you have results for 'Contents' *and* 'Titles', so you can reference All English if you want either contents.  In theory you should never get All English if it is simply a repeat of Contents.

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The "All English" results will only show if you have results for 'Contents' *and* 'Titles', so you can reference All English if you want either contents.  In theory you should never get All English if it is simply a repeat of Contents.

That's quite interesting. Like I said, it did appear as if some results were slightly different. As long as its supposed to work that way. I can see how being limited to searching only one category would become limiting in some situations. Especially since the modules data is grouped into categories and not just all text. In theWord, you were doing blunt searches with no distinctions, differentiations to speak of.


I could see having the example above: Messiah within x words of Matthew 10:1 could be useful. But that kind of searching is new to me, so I'm still getting acclimated. Having the ability to search all tools, texts, including (and especially) the ones I imported, and to be able to do so by generalized reference (romans returns all roman references) is SO much better than running a singe search in each module because the references are all formatted differently.  


I don't have to read books anymore. I can just search them (well, not literally - well, maybe a little literally). 



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