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Dropbox issues


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Hi there.,

i just synced both my iphone and iPad Pro with Dropbox to catch up with highlights etc. 

looking on both devices there are no highlight files available now, apart from Mobile highlights which is empty.

Looking in Dropbox, there is a folder for highlights but this is empty.

I previously had several highlight files.


Is this an issue that anyone else has had? I appear to have lost everything.  :(

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A little more info, all the user notes are gone too. Everything.

It really looks that a blank list has been synced round the devices and deleted the files from the local devices.

I had this setup with Accordance 13 (rarely used these days) linked to dropbox together with my iPad and iPhone. It was working fine.

Periodically replicating to ensure devices are in sync. I installed 13.1 to have a look, and replicated with dropbox. 


I am assuming that when a device syncs with dropbox, that if the device has a file that does not exist in dropbox, it will send a copy of the file to dropbox. if the files exist at both locations that it would play "spot the difference" and adjust both files if needed. I would not have thought that running the sync could delete the files from the devices.


I checked Accordance 13, and it does not have anything there now either. (must have been from my replication the other day when upgrading to 13.1 before shutting it down)... my files were definitely there before, and were on my iOS devices this morning as I had made changes and that was what had prompted me to sync them in the first place, today.

I only use dropbox for accordance. No other use, and I never go into it.... it just worked, until now.

If I had known this was a possibility I would have taken a manual backup of my files on a weekly basis.



I am assuming that all my content is lost?

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Do you have looked in the Time Machine to recover the files to your Mac?

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You can recover them following this guide: https://help.dropbox.com/files-folders/restore-delete/recover-deleted-files-folders


That being said, we’ll definitely look into this.


You are a life saver Graham! 


Looking at the date and time of the deletes, it was the afternoon when I was playing with 13.1 and they all happened at the same time.

So something must have happened with that sync and iOS “copied” it.

Who knows, but they are back.


Thanks again!  :)  :)



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Do you have looked in the Time Machine to recover the files to your Mac?


Hi Fabian, 

good suggestion, however I have made the choice to go iOS only if I can, so the files on the mac would be out of date. I have shelved the mac at the moment for work also.


thanks again though.



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brief update.

It appears to be 13.1 that is causing the problem for me.

I launched it tonight, ran the Dropbox sync.

It firstly says it is "comparing"... then it has task "1 of 19" to complete.


the update window closes nearly immediately and low and behold... all files in drop box have been deleted.


Heading off to central China in the morning for a couple of weeks so will not have access to internet much anyway. 

Not going to attempt to sync my iOS devices until I get back.



Edited by Dataduffy
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I am assuming that when a device syncs with dropbox, that if the device has a file that does not exist in dropbox, it will send a copy of the file to dropbox. if the files exist at both locations that it would play "spot the difference" and adjust both files if needed. I would not have thought that running the sync could delete the files from the devices.


If you delete any files on your local machine, that deletion is propagated to dropbox.  If you delete files from dropbox, that deletion is propagated to other devices that sync to your account.


So far, I haven't been able to reproduce a case where Accordance 13.1 deletes all user files, and it's going to be very hard to fix this bug until I do.  I'm thinking it might be useful to do a screenshare with you via skype or teamviewer to try and figure out why Accordance 13.1 is deleting these files for you.  If you're willing to do that, reach out to me via private message when you're available.

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Hi Silas,

my comment really was thinking about if I created a new user file on a device when offline and then synced with Dropbox. I would expect Dropbox to pickup the new file.

I am traveling at the moment for the next couple of weeks, but would be happy to help with a skype session for example. I’ll drop you a line when I’m back.


Thanks again


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