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Search Analytics Concordance Options


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After performing a search one of the Analytics Analysis reports is the ability to construct a Concordance.  Currently the reference displayed is determined by a preference set in the Text Display pane's advance tab — where one can check "Abbreviate Book Name."  This setting current effect all uses of Biblical references generated by Accordance.  


Now for papers, handout, etc. - targeted new believers I have preferred to use non abbreviated (i.e., full spelled out) book names.


However, in the concordance report using full book names causes an look and feel issue given the length of book names from short one (e.g., Ruth, Mark, Luke, Jude, …) to long one (e.g., Song of Solomon, 1Corinthians, 2Thessalonians).  It appears a tab is use to separate a verse reference from the excerpt, however the tab is not placed far enough away from the book name so that all excerpts line up beneath each other.


Two solutions (at last come) to find  —

1) Move the tab further to the right.  But how far to move it would depend on the font size being displayed.  Also moving can create a lot of undesired whit space for concordance built for a book whose name is short in length.  As such I can appreciate to avoid a lot of coding why the current tab setting was picked.


2)  If book name are displayed using abbreviated name of similar length — this issue goes away.  Hence this solution seems desirable over the first.  However, as using abbreviated book names is currently a global (Accordance wide) setting, this cause tingling it on and off frequently.


Hence this new feature request:


Just as the current Customize Display Dialog box for the Concordance display window allow one to show only first letter of hit word, add an option to display abbreviated book names here — than only effects all Concordance displays.  This allows the verse references to be about the same length, and hence the tab placement easily set so that excepts align for all lines of the report, while also allowing full book name to be use elsewhere in Accordance displays.



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