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Other Texts

John Allard

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Has Accordance ever considered adding nontagged versions of texts like the Koran, the Book of Mormon, or others for the purpose of having primary sources in apologetics.

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We have discussed this. We have considered creating a separate CD-ROM which would include texts from the various world religions. The only reason we haven't is that we're so preoccupied with other projects right now.

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Has Accordance ever considered adding nontagged versions of texts like the Koran, the Book of Mormon, or others for the purpose of having primary sources in apologetics.


There's a copy of the Koran on the Accordance Exchange: http://home.earthlink.net/%7eaccordanceexchange/Tools.html

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Has Accordance ever considered adding nontagged versions of texts like the Koran, the Book of Mormon, or others for the purpose of having primary sources in apologetics.


I'd be disappointed if limited OakTree resources were diverted away from Biblical Studies projects and tools.


A better solution would be improved import capabilities & documentation for user tools, so third-party/users can develop some of these other needs. Improve general extensibility. Unicode import ? An interesting earlier discussion: http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/inde...l=documentation

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I totally agree that Accordance should focus on bible study tools; thank you also for the link the the Koran. Is there anything I could do to publish those books? I'm not sure how to use unicode or the legalities behind publishing, but I would be interested in helping.

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