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Psalm verses disappearing


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When I have different versions of psalms in panes the first or last verse of a psalm seems to disappear in a specific translation. I see then two dashes. Up till now I don't see any logic in it, because it also happens when the verse numbers exactly corresponds with each other.


Jan Aukes


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Rememeber that some Bibles include the Psalm titles as verses, and others include them as verse 0, and others. Presumably this is causeing the discrepancy, but without knowing which Bible is the search text, and which display texts you have, I cannot really check it.

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A generally helpful reminder is that the Search text's versification is primary, and any other panes will show corresponding verses when they exist, or --'s when they don't, and will not display verses those other texts include that are not in the Search text.


E.g., if you compare Ps 52 in BHS-W4 (as search text) and KJV/NRSV/NIV, you'll see that BHS v. 2



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  • 1 year later...


So it can be a little confusing, but once you understand the primacy of the search text in determining what is displayed in parallel panes, you will find that Accordance is usually correct in its alignment. But specific examples of what you're seeing will determine if there's an actual bug.


Hope this helps,


J. P.



I would like to restart this subject about disappearing verses which went out of my attention some time ago. So I understand that there will never be dashes in the left column. Still I don't know the logic of what happens. Therefore I insert two screenshots. Two Dutch translations which I changed of position.


post-976-046559800 1311744859_thumb.png

post-976-093001700 1311744875_thumb.png

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It's rather hard for us to follow your eexamples, not knowing Dutch. However, the NAARDEN is not a Bible that we have made. I suspect that you created it as a User Bible, and so you are responsible for the alignment.


You may need to add a verse 0 wherever the KJV has a psalm title. The Help pages explain the verse numbering as follows:

  • Verses within a chapter can be skipped but must not be out of order; verses 2,4,5,8 are acceptable, but not verses 2,4,3,5,8. Extra verses are not accepted. The KJV is the standard for the number of chapters in each book, and verses per chapter.
  • If necessary, renumber the verses and put the original number in parentheses for reference, so the previous example could look like:

2 text of verse 2


3 (4) text of verse 4


4 (3) text of verse 3


5 text of verse 5



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I can experiment with the renumbering. So for now I can conclude that putting together two psalm translations with no xx,0 verses, unexpected things may occur. And yes the Naardense Bijbel is a my user bible. The Statenvertaling is hard to read, and there are a lot of interesting translations in Dutch, which I really miss in Accordance.

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