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TJL vol 12

R. Mansfield

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Now that Galaxie has completed the Theological Journal Library, vol. 12, I was curious to know whether it would be made available for Accordance either as a standalone package or if it would be grouped with future volumes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

On a related note, I notice that on the Galaxie store website, they have tabs for Logos and Wordsearch, but not Accordance. They do have the Accordance TJL vols 1-11 for sale on the site, but somehow I feel Accordance is slighted by not having their own tab. Perhaps some folks might want to politely suggest they promote their Accordance package a bit more prominently.

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It may be a while before we can again devote the time to adding more of the TJL. Yes, we would love for people to ask Hampton to promote the Mac product. He's using Mac now and loved Accordance when we showed it to him last year.

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Hampton emailed me a few minutes ago. He thought an Accordance tab was a great idea. I checked the site and it's been added!

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  • 1 year later...

If I can resurrect this thread, I wonder if any updates to the TJL volumes are coming for Accordance? Since I wrote the original post in this thread asking about vol. 12, Galaxie has released vol. 13, and vol. 14 is in the works.


Oh, and in regard to the message immediately above this one, any Accordance tab that may have been present on the Galaxie website is missing now. There's one for Logos, Wordsearch, and then one that just say "Macintosh." Clicking on that tab has a discussion about all the software platforms now on the Mac, and then there is a link to the Accordance package--bizarre.

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We are reluctant to devote the resources needed to add TJL volumes each year. The files we receive still require a lot of work in order to make them full and accurate Accordance modules. We therefore decided to update them about every 5 years, so perhaps when volume 15 or 16 is released.

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