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Finding a particular line of a Psalm.


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I was looking for this a part of a verse in one of the Psalms: "You love the destructive word......" I now know it is v. 6 of Ps 52. However, I was not able to find it using Accordance as the words 'you love the destructive word' are not to be found in any of the Bible versions I have. If someone could tell me what I could/should have done to find an equivalent in other versions, I would be most grateful.



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This is a tough one. This particular phrase is translated so differently in different Bibles that it is very hard to find. HCSB is the closest: "taking refuge in his destructive behavior."


I tried this in the Search All for All Bibles: [FUZZY 1] you love the destructive word

but did not find it.


Then I tried [FUZZY 2] you love the destructive word

but only got many false hits since it dropped two words and was no longer specific.


Simply searching for "destructive" is best since it occurs in the verse in the HCSB, but not in too many other places.


Normally [FUZZY 1] is ideal for finding a half remembered phrase. For example: [FUZZY 1] like a flourishing tree

gives 11 similar phrases in HCSB, none of them exact.

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Thanks very much, Helen for the response, and so quickly. It is something of a relief to hear that you found it a tough one! I was thinking that I had not paid sufficient attention to the various 'helps' re using a Fuzzy search.



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