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Search All Graphic Tools - problem

Jason Henry

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I am running Accordance 9.1.1 on Mac OS 10.6.6. When I do a search using the new search all graphic tools, it does not display any results from my photoguide, timeline or map modules that I have installed (I do get hits from the Photoguide sampler, Holman dict., ISBE, IVP-NB, etc.) My photoguide and photoguide sampler are both installed together in the \library\application support\accordance\modules\tools folder. In that same folder is the "time data" file. Then my atlas files are under \library\application support\atlas files folder.


So I'm not sure what the problem is that the main graphic modules are not accessed in this search.


Any ideas?


- Jason

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The Atlas and Timeline have never been searchable, except individually, as the results cannot be displayed in a text pane.


The PhotoGuide 3 is certainly included in the Graphic Tools group. However, I now see that the Caption field is incorrectly labeled Captions, so it is not included in a search of Caption in Search All. Sorry about that. We will post a fix but it may take a few days.

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I understand then about the atlas and timeline. However, when I do a search all [graphic tools] searching reference or english I'll get hits in the photoguide sampler but again nothing in my actual photoguide module. I have the photoguide 2 NOT 3, does that make a difference?

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This was my mistake. You need to force Accordance to create a new Search All Cache by removing the file of that name from your /Library/Application Support/Accordance/Gloss folder.


Sorry, at the moment there isn't any other way to re-index the cache. Thankfully it takes only seconds to index the entire Library.

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Yes, deleting the index file and having it recreated is quick and easy. But it didn't help. If I do a search all for say "Abila" I'll get hits in the photoguide, if I do search all tools I get hits in the photoguide, if I do search graphic tools I get no hits in the photoguide.

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Jason, the fact that you have PhotoGuide 2 rather than PhotoGuide 3 is the reason rebuilding the cache did nothing. We modified the latest version of the PhotoGuide with a Captions field but did not retrofit older versions.


The fact that the Search All window reads "Caption" and the module fields read "Captions" is also irrelevant. Searching Caption in Search All will return results in any tool with a Captions field.


Hope this helps.

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The modules for this group are hard coded in the program. It probably includes Photoguide 3 but not earlier versions. Please check for your version number in About the Text, although it actually is part of the module name.

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