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text view problems


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In Accordance 9.1.1 for Mac the text view pane shows up with spaces and formatting despite my checking all of the text "hide" boxes on the view preferences. Consider this screen shot attached. There are spaces in the psalm and formatting that I have to go back and erase manually so that I can include this in a responsive reading for a congregation. How do I make it look like plain un formatted text as I could in accordance 7?


Befuddled and Muddled in Montana

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I don't see a screenshot, but this works for me. Are you setting the display settings in Command-T? If I check 'Suppress Poetry' none of the poetic formatting in Psalms appears.


By the way, if you Copy As -> Citation (Command-Control-C) rather than a normal Copy, it will strip the formatting by default. You can customize the look of the Citation in Preferences -> Citation.

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