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Parallel & OT in NT

Peter Dubbelman

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Thanks, in advance, for your kindness expressed to me via a reply.


I've read David's April 25th blog on Parallel Accordance options, which nicely came the day after I finished podcast #28 on that sane topic. :)


Here are a few questions:


1.) The podcast mentions that more information on a parallel can be obtained by "selecting a particular parallel and then reading about this text". Hmmmmmm. Selecting one my seven parallel options is not hard. Further, I understand choosing search fields, texts, etc. How to find more information about a particular parallel option is presently unobtainable for me. Help? E.g., most reference works say there are "about 60 OT quotes in Romans" (cf. Seifrid's article on Romans in 'Comm on the NT use of the OT'), Accordance gives 56 references of OT quotes in Romans. That's close, but I'd like to understand which scholarly schools are represented in each particular parallel module option. Was the parallel module taken from a book? If so, which one?; Etc.


2.) Using the OT in the NT module and searching within Romans yields a first hit of Rom 4:18, which is quoting Gen 15:5.

a.) Is there a way to reference the first OT quote in Romans, then the second, and so forth; the current module starts with the OT as a base of origin, which is why Rom 4:18 is the first hit. I understand with the module is laid out this way and appreciate the links that it gives me of say Lev 19:18 to other NT scriptures; nonetheless, for classroom use the aforementioned option would be very helpful.

b.) How might I produce a reference list of all the OT quotes found in Romans with their accompanying Romans reference; e.g., Rom 1:17=Hab 2:4; Rom 4:18=Gen 15:5; ...


And one last, totally random, question: How do I get my picture up like some of you have done so that it is seen in the upper left hand corner of this post?



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Peter, I'll respond some of your points as best I can:


The podcast mentions that more information on a parallel can be obtained by "selecting a particular parallel and then reading about this text". Hmmmmmm. Selecting one my seven parallel options is not hard. Further, I understand choosing search fields, texts, etc. How to find more information about a particular parallel option is presently unobtainable for me. Help?


What the podcast means is do to the Accordance menu -> About This Text... (right under 'About Accordance...'). This works for every module in Accordance to find out more information about it. However, this information isn't particularly helpful in this case, as it just says Edited by David Lang. Perhaps David is best to answer this question :)


2.) Using the OT in the NT module and searching within Romans yields a first hit of Rom 4:18, which is quoting Gen 15:5.

a.) Is there a way to reference the first OT quote in Romans, then the second, and so forth; the current module starts with the OT as a base of origin, which is why Rom 4:18 is the first hit. I understand with the module is laid out this way and appreciate the links that it gives me of say Lev 19:18 to other NT scriptures; nonetheless, for classroom use the aforementioned option would be very helpful.

b.) How might I produce a reference list of all the OT quotes found in Romans with their accompanying Romans reference; e.g., Rom 1:17=Hab 2:4; Rom 4:18=Gen 15:5; ...


I was having trouble doing these selected things specifically from the Parallels module, but I found an alternative route to the solution. I've been doing some work on the Notes modules (ambiguous teaser!) and I noticed that the GNT-T Notes module cites the old testament quotes. So, I ran a search in the GNT-T in the Scripture field for gen-mal, then used the Browser to limit the range. (Option-click a title in the browser to limit searching to only that area, in my case Romans). Results below:



How do I get my picture up like some of you have done so that it is seen in the upper left hand corner of this post?


This one is easy! In the top-right of every forums window you see a popup menu with your screenname on it. Click it and select My Settings. From there it is the Forums Tab -> Change Avatar.

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Peter, once you've opened a parallel, you can select About This Text from the Accordance menu to find out what it's based on. This is helpful for the three gospels modules, but I'm afraid it's not particularly helpful for the OT in NT parallel. That one merely mentions that I edited it! If I remember correctly, I based those parallels on Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament by Gleason Archer and G. S. Chirichigno. However, the challenge I faced was determining the difference between a clear quotation and a possible allusion. I imagine the difference between the "about 60" in Romans and the 56 in the OT in NT parallel can probably be attributed to my own editorial decision-making in that regard.


With respect to creating a list of parallels in NT order, you can't really do it from the parallels, but I just noticed Joel's solution using the GNT Notes and it's brilliant. (No surprise there!)


Hope this helps.

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Thanks Joel and David! I hope you both have a blessed week.

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